国家の品格 藤原正彦著 2005/11/20 新潮新書

国家の品格 藤原正彦 2005/11/20 新潮新書








(AならばBの)「このA は、論理的帰結ではなく常に仮説なのです。そして、この仮設を選ぶのは論理ではなく、主にそれを選ぶ人の情緒なのです。宗教的情緒をも含めた広い意(FF)味の情緒です。」(P.50-51)


at the library

The other day, I read "Introduction to Beautiful Mathematics in the World ". It was a little disappointing book, but I thought, "Are you the one who wrote" National Dignity "? I haven't read it.
It looked like a "beautiful country" and I didn't really want to read it, but I happened to find it in the library yesterday, so I picked it up.
It was interesting. The conclusion is different from mine, but I thought it was the same.


Since he is a mathematician, he does not deny the logic itself. "If A, then B" is logically correct, but "why choose A" is out of the logic.
And it is said that choosing A is "comprehensive judgment", which requires "emotional power" (and respect for "shape").
"Freedom," "equality," and "democracy" are not good. The logical flow that "family love," "local love," "homeland love," and "humanity love" are necessary is different from the facts, but what I thought was "natural" from a young age is renewed. I was made to think.
The world of logic (theory, logos), it is the "logic of subjectivity". As long as there is independence, the result is "freedom," "equality," and "democracy." Or is it "fascism"?
I think that logic must be questioned in order to suppress them, not to force them.

Beautiful country

I don't know if this kind of idea can be made by a mathematician, or because I spent my childhood when beautiful Japan remained.
I'm just the age he wrote this book. After all, after the 60th birthday, such an idea may come out.
The reason I hate it without eating it may be because I thought I would lose in logic.
When I was young, I think it's unavoidable to "hate without eating". It's busy.
But what I read when I was young is something that I have learned implicitly. As he says, I think I should have read what is called a "masterpiece" or "masterpiece" when I was young, these days.

The following is an excerpt.

Excerpts and notes

"For example, even in the 11th and 12th centuries, I still don't know if √2 is a rational number .... I already knew that it wasn't a rational number in ancient Greece, where Pythagoras was active. Is a classic example of the fact that culture can retreat even if it progresses steadily. ”(P.15) ――What is progress?
"Logically correct and good and evil are different dimensions." (P.29) -Yes.
"Derivatives are based on an economic theory that uses a fairly high-level mathematics called stochastic differential equations." (P.33) ――Hmm
"It is much more important to arrange the content to be expressed than the means to express it." (P.40) -That's right. So I gave up on a foreign language. (Lol)
"This A is always a hypothesis, not a logical consequence (if A then B), and it is not the logic that chooses this hypothesis, but the emotion of the person who chooses it primarily. It is an emotion of broad meaning (FF) taste including. "(P.50-51)
(Even in Europe and the United States, which trains elites) "There are occasional scandals about women's problems. This does not go away with any education." (P.87)-Haha.
"The aesthetic sentiment, which carefully selects delicate sensitivity to nature, has become the core of the Japanese people and forms an art that is unprecedented in the world. Beauty is created in the contrast of" eternal nature and ephemeral life. " The Japanese also have the unique ability to feel. (LF) The land of Japan is constantly threatened by nature such as typhoons, earthquakes and floods throughout the year. It is easier to feel the contrast of "eternal nature and ephemeral life" than in other countries. Perhaps it is a climate that makes it easy to create something called "impermanence." (P.98) -Mr. Kusakabe also describes Greek polytheism and Hebrew (desert) monotheism. But I think Europe is rich in nature (I don't know). I don't understand why monotheism and the philosophy of subjectivity became popular there.
"Since the Meiji era, I feel that these two things," patriotism, "which mixes beauty and ugliness, have led to turmoil in the country. It is language equal thinking. "Since it seems that the word" love of the motherland "was not even used after the war, it is natural that such feelings are diluted. It is also a language equal feeling." (P.115) ――Subtle.
"Reading is the main force that nurtures emotions and shapes." (P.147) -It's a pity that I can't say that it's different or the opposite. Is it okay to use manga?
"However, it is unavoidable that human beings are particular about their interests and losses. Humans have a survival instinct, and they are integrated at the genetic level to move with their interests and disadvantages. But the rest What fills 1% with is very important. ”(P.150) ――Because you are a mathematician, do you know biology? At the point of survival instinct and genes, we can see that we cannot get out of the subjectivity logic.
"I feel that the fact that humans have fallen into a confrontational relationship with nature due to anthropocentrism has a profound effect on the feeling of obstruction and the feeling of collapse in society that modern people feel." (P.153) ) ―― "Anthropocentrism", yes, to objectify nature (and yourself), and to be aware of the independence of the soul (spirit), this is all the cause.
"Economic development in any country is always based on industrial development. Prosperity through finance and services is a false reflection and does not last long." (P.161) -Production-centricism





[ ISBN-13 : 978-4106101410 ]

