哲学の原風景 古代ギリシアの知恵とことば 荻野弘行著 1999/11/20 NHKライブラリー

哲学の原風景 古代ギリシアの知恵とことば 荻野弘行著 1999/11/20 NHKライブラリー

続巻として「哲学の饗宴 ソクラテス・プラトン・アリストテレス (NHKライブラリー)」があります。


ベルグソン『時間と自由 (岩波文庫)』ーー読んでないなあ。


Early Greek Philosophy

An introduction to ancient Greek philosophy.
As a sequel, "Feast of Philosophy Socrates Plato Aristotelis (NHK library)".
It is easy to understand as an introductory book, and I think it is good as a history of philosophy.
Unfortunately, the author has little idea. I understand that there is a limitation of NHK library and a limitation of cultural seminar, but this does not tell me what he is doing research for.
He may just be a "researcher."
The index at the end of the book is good.
The maps "Ancient Greek Philosophy Chronology" and "Ancient Greece and its Surroundings" at the end of the book are excellent. If you read the text while looking at this, the scenery at that time seems to come to mind, and you will deepen your understanding. I think you might buy this book just for these 4 pages. (I don't reprint it because I think it has a copyright relationship.)


"With the progress of modernization, the store that is open 24 hours a day, the abolition of gender discrimination, the disclosure of secret places by TV images, etc., gradually homogenize space-time and human beings, and Holy gradually disappears from society. It will continue to be a big issue in the future as to what human beings will lose as secularization progresses. ”(P.73) --What will be lost? Discrimination comes from "treating as an object". Certainly women's holiness is lost. But only discrimination remains. The discrimination is directed not only to women but also to others in general (others, other religions, multi-ethnic groups, etc.). By the way, "sacred" is not a value peculiar to religion (P.73).
Ingmar Bergman "The Seventh Seal”-I haven't seen it. I want to see it.
"There is something that suddenly comes to my mind after a quest to pursue only the path led by the inevitability of logic (logos). If I dare to explain it, the great discoveries that remain in history generally follow this process. Perhaps they are stepping on it. From the simple accumulation of information, data, observation facts and experiences, there is never a change in the way we look at the world itself. "(P.124) --- It is a contradictory expression. Right. I understand what you mean. If you dare to say, you wouldn't be able to make a "historical discovery" with this kind of thinking.
Logic Runaway (Zeno's Paradox) "For them, it no longer matters what the facts are." (P.133)
Bergson "Time and Freedom (Iwanami Bunko)”-I haven't read it.
Anaxagoras "No matter how small a part of the world is taken up, the whole universe is reflected like a mirror" (P.145).
"The Pythagoras" number "is not a system of real numbers represented by the number line as we think of today, but is generated with the same" shape "of triangular numbers and square (square, rectangular) numbers. It was a system of numbers. (P.175)
"The most" beautiful Japanese mountains and rivers "and the delicate and sensitive traditions of the people who live there have rapidly declined since the high economic miracle or bubble economy, and in a satiety and mass consumption society, noise and obscurity, riche hobbies and excess. It is no longer necessary to say that the cleanliness is transforming into an unprecedented vulgar culture that has become Amalgam. (P.177) -That's right, but I think I have to use many words there.




[ ISBN-13 : 978-4140841587 ]

