ギリシア文字の第一歩 〜読み方、書き方、歴史〜 谷川政美著 2001/09/01 国際語学社

ギリシア文字の第一歩 〜読み方、書き方、歴史〜 谷川政美著 2001/09/01 国際語学社







少し前に読んだ『しっかり学ぶ初級古典ギリシャ語 (Basic Language Learning Series)』と発音が違うと思います。やっぱり発音は実際に「音」を聞かないとダメでしょうね。『古典ギリシア語のしくみ (言葉のしくみ)』は白水社のサイトから音声データを聞くことができるようなので、そちらのほうがいいかもしれません。





"Εν αρχῇ ῆν ὴν ὁ λογός, καὶ ὁ λόγος πρὸς τὸν θεὸν, καὶ θεὸς ῆν ὁ λόγος"(始めに言葉ありき。言葉は神とともにありき。言葉は神でありき。「ヨハネの福音書」第1章1.1〜)ちょっと綴りを間違えました(面倒〜。老眼には見えないです)。









"Greece" or "Greek"

I still don't know (^ _ ^;).
It's fine. There are both.

After reading it, I found out (^ _ ^;), but this book says, "You can learn while comparing modern Greek and classical Greek", so classical Greek (Greek at the time of Braton) and modern Greek. The words are explained at the same time.

I think it's a good book to become a Greek letter, starting from the origin of the letters (Phoenician letters), pronunciation, writing, and tracing practice books. If you actually "write" and see it with your finger, you will be very familiar with it (it is a library book, so you cannot write in it (^ _ ^;)).

I'm not interested in modern Greek because I borrowed it from the library because I wanted to read the Greek texts of Plato and Aristotle (commentary and quoted texts) for the time being. [1] Modern Greek is when you have the opportunity to travel to Greece. I should study.

Therefore, I am a little dissatisfied with reading this book for the above reasons.

Pronunciation is different

I read a while ago, " Basic Language Learning I think the pronunciation is different from "Series) ". After all, pronunciation must actually hear the "sound". " Mechanism of classical Greek (mechanism of words) " Seems to be able to hear audio data from Hakusuisha's site, so that may be better.

A little grammar

There is also a little grammar. However, if you want to study in earnest (if you want to understand "meaning" instead of reading), I think the above-mentioned "Beginner's Classic Greek" is good.

Bible Words

At that time, the Greek word seemed to be "Koine (κοινή or common in English)", that is, the common language (ancient Greek, ancient Orient). So the Bible was also written in Greek. There are several Bible quotations in this book. One of them

"Εν αρχῇ ῆν ὴν ὁ ​​λογός, καὶ ὁ λόγος πρὸς τὸν θεὸν, καὶθεὸς ῆν ὶ θεὸς ῆν ὶ θεὸς ῆν ὁ 1.1 ~) I misspelled a little (troublesome ~. I can't see it with my old eyes).

I think this "recognition of words", that is, "awareness" was the decisive factor. (It is one of the answers to Plato's problem, and it is a big misunderstanding with Socrates. However, I had no choice but to settle down there, and that is the premise even in modern times.)

And that is, as "the trouble of being born", "Why didn't you die when you were born? Why was there a breast?" (Chapter 3.11 ~) [2] , but maybe Socrates was closer to the reality. We were brought up by our mother (and father) and by the society that surrounds us and our parents. "Words" are exactly what brought up "I" as a society (and its history). That is why Socrates died according to the judgment of Police as a self raised in society (Police) rather than himself as his father.

"I" are caught by "ego" and feel like "I am because I think" and ** stick to "self", but [3] , "Aware" that you think so that you are made up of "words", that is, parents and society (and / or children) I feel that only things (in other words, becoming "humility") are left. [4]

About the author

You must be a Christian. I was about 56 years old when this book was published. Somehow, it's called "old professor", but it may be a priestly way of speaking (I've never heard of a priest, so I'm imagining it).

Write your name in Greek

I don't like it. (Lol)




[1] この機会に、ギリシャ語のWikipedia(Βικιπαίδεια)をチラッと見ました。意味は全然わかりませんが、ギリシャ文字が並んでいます(当たり前です)。すごいなあ、というか、いいなあ、と思いました。身近にプラトンやアリストテレスがいるんだろなあ(笑)。日本でいう古事記や紫式部といった存在なんでしょうか。
[2] ギリシャ語対訳聖書がほしくなったなあ。でも、買っても読まないんだろうなあ。
[3] だから、自分の消滅、「死」が一番怖い。私もそれが怖い。
[4] 3年前にはこんなことは口が裂けてもいわなかっただろうな。でも、「べき」という言葉は幼い頃から嫌いでした。だから、「謙虚になるべき」ということではありません。今、とても悩んでいますが、きっとそれが「残されている」結論の一つのように思っています。

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4877311421 ]

