パイドン (Φαίδων、Phaedo) プラトン全集(1) 松永雄二訳 1975/07/25 岩波書店

























































「〈美〉によって、美しいものは、美しい」(P.294)__「物数を極めて、工夫をし尽くして後、花の失せずところを知るべし」美しい「花」がある、「花」の美しさといふ様なものはない。彼の「花」の観念の曖昧さに就いて頭を悩ます現代の美学者の方が、化かされてゐるに過ぎない。肉体の動きに則つて観念の動きを修正するがいゝ、前者の動きは後者の動きより遥かに微妙で深淵だから、彼はさう言つてゐるのだ。(小林秀雄『当麻』筑摩書房 日本文学全集42 「小林秀雄集」 1970/11/01 P.366)__ギリシアの花は本当に〈美しさ〉で美しく咲いてい(るように見え)たのだろうか。三島由紀夫にもそう見えたのだろうか。わたしはあまり花を美しいと感じたことがない。あの蒸し返すような匂いがいいと思ったことも殆どない。でも、花が美しいのではない。花が美しく見えるように人間ができているのだ。〈美味しい〉ならわかりやすいだろう。美味しくなくても食べられればよいはずだが、人間は〈美味しい〉と感じる。そう感じることで「食欲」が増し、「食べる」ことが苦痛や義務的なものでなくなる。それが〈楽しさ〉や〈快〉につながるのだ。ソクラテスがいつも話題にする〈快〉だ。そして、〈快〉は〈善〉や〈美〉につながるのだ。ソクラテスが触れそうで触れなかった所、「人間はなぜ〈快〉を感じるのか」。それは、人間は〈快〉を感じるようにできているからだ。そして、美しいものを見たときにも〈快〉を感じ、善いことを行ったときも〈快〉を感じるのだ。もしも、ものを食べることが〈不快〉であり、花を見ることが〈不快〉であり、行いが全て〈不快〉であったとしたら、人間は、「食べず、見ず、行わず」であって、そんな〈種〉はとうに滅びていたであろう。







(P.320)__ロゴス(λόγος、この場合は「知」 )は増え続ける=>歴史となる(残る)「Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος, καὶ ὁ Λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος.ーはじめに言(ロゴス)があった。言は神とともにあり、言は神であった」__言葉じゃなくて、〈知〉があったのかもしれない。あるいは〈理性〉。







The day of Socrates's death

"Eutupron" depicts Socrates (a troublesome uncle who calls a little) on the way to the court, "Socrates's defense" depicts a court scene (an inflexible uncle), and "Critton" Socrates (a big-headed uncle) who bounced off the logic (discussion) that Critton "please run away" was drawn a few days before the execution, and this book describes the situation on the day of the execution.

Plato is supposed to have been unable to attend due to illness on the day. I don't know if it's true. Even in yesterday's drama, he said, "Because a manga artist's illness means'dropped'." Paidon, who was present, tells Ekecrates, who wants to hear the story, about the day.

The subtitle is "About the Soul (Ψυχή)" (in another translation, "About the Immortality of the Soul").

Socrates was executed in 399 BC, and this story seems to be a few years later. It seems that Paidon entered the path of philosophy with the help of Socrates's companions who were slaves. Ekecrates seems to have been a Pythagorean philosopher.

Pythagoras (Πυθαγόρας) is famous for "Pythagorean theorem". In Raphael's The School of Athens, it is depicted as a bald old man, but he is about 100 years before Socrates and about 150 years before Plato. There is no book left of him, but he thought that everything in the universe was made up of numbers, saying that "everything is a number." Even though it is a number, it is just an integer (natural number), and I also considered a fraction (rational number) that is the ratio. Therefore, it can be said that he (the school, sect) considered not only numbers but also numbers and their relationships (harmony). "Pythagorean theorem" is also a relationship (harmony), isn't it? In this book, the word "harmony" (Is it Αρμονία? I don't think it is Σινφονία) appears, but Socrates says that "the soul is not harmony." However, this is also subtle. "Which of the two theories do you choose? That is, do you say that learning is recollection or soul is harmony?" (P.266) The choices are both. Isn't it? It's a quibble, though.

Euclid seems to be a little later than Plato. In The School of Athens, he has a gray-haired bald head and draws on the blackboard with a compass (Pythagoras has a maroon head). In this picture, all the elderly people have bald heads, but is it related to the headgear at that time?

Everyone goes to Socrates

On the day of the execution, friends and disciples have been captured by Socrates since the morning and gather in the prison where the execution takes place. (There was also his wife and two children, but no remarks were written.)

Everyone who was present regrets Socrates's death. Socrates says, "Why are you sad? I (the soul) live happily in the world with my seniors," as he said in "Critton."

But the disciples are not convinced. If you are convinced, the story will end there, and even Socrates will be out of tune.

Therefore he speaks "the immortal theory of the soul" and "the theory of ideas".

Logical flow

To be clear, I didn't understand. I wondered if I could read it again, but now I can't afford to read it again.

To me, the idea theory and the immortal theory of the soul did not seem to mesh properly. The counterargument between Kebesu and Simias (the young disciples of Socrates) seemed more natural, and it didn't seem that Socrates was arguing properly. But for Plato, these two were important. I think it was one thing. If I put my reading comprehension on the shelf, I might not have been able to express it well to Plato.

Socrates is humble, saying, "I don't have the talent to create fiction (story), of course!" (P.166). I feel a sense of intimacy.

On top of that, "We must nourish our bodies, and therefore endless annoyances are always brought to us by our bodies" (P.184) "Purely something. If we want to know, we must move away from the body, and we must see the thing itself, just by the soul itself. "(P.186) That" thing itself "or" each It's the relationship between "the original thing of existence (Usia)" and the body and soul.

Stop following the flow of logic that you didn't understand.

Country of Freedom

This book reveals the theories of various philosophers of the time. And Socrates had his own philosophy as one of them. It's not about which one is right or wrong. I think it's wonderful that each and every one of us was able to think like that.

Socrates is different from Christ in that he was not executed because of that idea. Why did he have to be executed? I still can't organize. I have no idea why Christ was executed.

How about now? Some say that it has evolved (advanced) considerably. What so. How difficult it is to think differently from other people, no, I think it is difficult to think about it. "It's okay. You don't have to think about it. I'll tell you everything," he says on his smartphone. What a big loss we have lost at the cost of "convenience" and "convenience"! After the corona, when the world becomes normal (awakened from madness), we need to "list" what we have lost.

Idea theory

"Beautiful things are beautiful by " (P.294) I think this is a simple expression of "idea theory". The concrete and individual things get the "attribute" of beauty by "sharing" the idea of ​​"beauty".

Hideo Kobayashi says, "There are beautiful" flowers ", and there is no such thing as the beauty of" flowers ". I wrote. I haven't read Zeami, so I don't know. Did the classical Greek flowers really bloom (look like) beautifully? Wasn't there an "unbeautiful flower"? How about "withered flowers"? What is the basis for to share?

I feel that Yukio Mishima's view of Kinkakuji was a part of that kind of "Greek beauty".

I have never felt that flowers are beautiful (I can't do it as a human being). I rarely thought that the scent of steaming was good. But the flowers are not beautiful. Humans are "made" so that the flowers look beautiful. I just named that feeling "beautiful." It is a sense of "consciousness". It is the same as "painful", "sweet" and "spicy". If it is "delicious", it will be easier to understand. For humans (animals), it should be good to eat even if it is not delicious, but humans feel that it is delicious. Feeling that way increases your "appetite" and makes "eating" less painful and obligatory. It not only helps to distinguish between "edible" and "inedible", but also leads to "fun" and "pleasure". It is "pleasant" that Socrates always talks about. And "pleasure" leads to "goodness" and "beauty". Where Socrates seemed to touch and did not touch, "Why do humans feel" pleasant "(or" unpleasant ")?" It is designed to make humans feel "pleasant" "there is no other explanation". And he feels "pleasant" when he sees beautiful things and "pleasant" when he does good things. If eating things is "unpleasant", seeing flowers is "unpleasant", and all actions are "unpleasant", then human beings are "not eating, not seeing, not doing". Such a would have finally perished.

I think that what is now called "labor" was "fun" in farming, hunting, and collecting. I don't think it was "work" for Hellenistic (desert people) or nomadic people either. It was still different in medieval Europe. Protestantism was born when it became "labor". I haven't read yet about whether to read "hard-working labor" in the classical Greek Hesiod, so I will verify it in the future.

At the same time that human beings lived with human "sense", human beings had "pleasure". "Human sense" (= thinking) and "pleasure" are the same thing. There was no human "species" without having it at the same time. Why did you end up having them at the same time? There is no reason for that. It just happened that I had something left at the same time. It means that among various biological differentiations, those with such attributes happened to remain. Some may have only one, and some may not have both. Only one did not remain. It just is the thing.

A human named Socrates

Socrates may have had a hard time living. He may have been a "soul trapped in a prison called the body." Since he has the feeling and feeling of "thinking", it is natural that a person who thinks so will be born. Besides, he may have grown up in a family that didn't look right.

Socrates says he was raised by the state, but he may not have thought he was raised by his parents. This can be seen from the attitude toward children. I can't see the idea of ​​"thinking" in my reading. It is very different from the classical Chinese thought.

But he asks for that in the "thinking" that created it. Perhaps he tried to overcome "life" with "thinking".

Socrates is dead. He did not prophesy a "resurrection" like Christ did. Socrates would be indulging in philosophical discussions "over there" with his predecessors. "Here" deepens Plato's unique thinking.

⟨Excerpt and memo⟩

"It may become clear that those who seek knowledge, especially with other human beings, are trying to unravel their souls from their fellowship with the body as much as possible." (P.179)

"The original thing (Usia) of each existence, that is, " (P.182-183) __οὐσία

"All wars are for the acquisition of goods," (P.185)

"Rather, for all animals and plants, and even more comprehensively, for everything as long as it has generation, is the production of all things done in that way? Let us take a look, that is, in general, as long as there is some opposition between them, the generation of one is never from the other, which is the opposite. Doesn't it happen? ”(P.198) __Beauty and ugliness, right and wrong. Concepts and absolute concepts that arise from comparisons. Big and small, apples and mountains. Opposite concept. Recognition of white or black. There is also gray => Is gray white or black? Difference from Aristotle

(P.199) __** Whiter, more mountainous, "pleasant or unpleasant" and "more pleasant". => Pleasure continues to seek "more pleasure".

"When you try, these equal things are not the same as" equality "itself." (P.211)

"Equality" itself, "Beauty" itself, and each very "existence" itself, that is, its existence itself, can be tolerated by itself, no matter what the strangeness. Well, each of them, as it is, has only one form, and is always in its identity, as long as it is in itself. It may have an immutable way. ”(P.226) __Concept as a stationary thing (existence, itself, Ussia) <=> Dynamic (changing) concreteness

"When the soul is with the body, the natural nature (Physis) commands the body to be enslaved and ruled, and to the soul to rule and lead. Is ordered. ”(P.231)

(Soul) "That is, because I have never been willing to be with the body in my life, at the time of the separation, I will drag anything related to the body together. No, ”(P.234) __No, the soul with the body (this world). Is the bone immortal? .. Perhaps the Greek god was a god of grace, unlike the god of the desert. The god of the desert is the god who gives (takes) trials, and the god of Greece is the god who gives. The Japanese god is the god who gives. Is the Greek god in the middle? Although God always has both sides. I hate it, but the rain of grace

(P.238) __Soul of a good citizen

"And the very cleverly crafted point of this prison is that it is the desire that creates the state of prison, that is, the person who is bound is especially The point is that we are cooperating with that bond, but does not see it. "(P.240)

"It doesn't matter if it's a human, a dog, or anything else, don't you think it's rare to find something extremely large or small in each?" "Isn't it the same even if it's white or black?" (P.260) __ Do you admit the middle? There are a few at both ends. No, the individual ones have no middle or bridge. Because it's different. I can't compare. There is or tries to find something "more" white, big, small, fast, slow, ugly, beautiful. When 1 to 10 (pin to drill), you will always find something greater than 10 and less than 1. The "larger" and "smaller" ones are used as the starting point of "1 to 10". The work goes on infinitely. However, it is not "development" at all.

(P.261-) __ A discussion similar to Heraclitus. Panta rhei

"When these were separated from each other, they were certainly <1>, and at that time there was no two yet." (P.282)

(P.284) Nous

"And if you want to look directly at things with this naked eye, or if you try to touch things directly (FF) with each of your senses, then it's a good idea. I was afraid that I would be blind [deprived of my own power].

-[2] --- You have to escape to the word "speech" and consider the truth of what exists in it.

I thought. (P.290-291)

"In each case, the speech that I judged to be the strongest was set as the basic establishment , and (FF) what seemed to be consistent with that speech was this. It's true. It's the same whether the problem is about the cause or anything else, and what seems to be inconsistent is true. "(P.291-292). )__methodology. Deductive method?

"If something is beautiful besides beauty itself, it is" beautiful "because it has exactly that" beauty itself ". , It's not caused by anything else. "(P.293) __ Idea theory

(P.294) Currently , shared . What is the difference between sharing, present and sharing, (existing)? Is it my current consciousness that Physis, Ussia, and Idea (Nous) seem to be invading each other?

"Beautiful things are beautiful by " (P.294) "After devising a great number of things, you should know where the flowers are not lost." Beautiful "flowers" There is no such thing as the beauty of "flowers". The modern aesthetician, who is worried about the ambiguity of his idea of ​​"flowers", is nothing more than a ghost. He modifies the movement of the idea according to the movement of the body, but he says because the movement of the former is far more subtle and profound than the movement of the latter. (Hideo Kobayashi "Toma" Chikuma Shobo Complete Works of Japanese Literature 42 "Hideo Kobayashi Collection" 1970/11/01 P.366) Did the Greek flowers really bloom (look like) beautifully? .. Did Yukio Mishima look that way? I have never felt that flowers are so beautiful. I rarely thought that the scent of steaming was good. But the flowers are not beautiful. Humans are made so that the flowers look beautiful. If it is "delicious", it will be easy to understand. It should be eaten even if it is not delicious, but humans feel that it is delicious. Feeling that way increases your "appetite" and makes "eating" less painful and obligatory. That leads to "fun" and "pleasure". It is "pleasant" that Socrates always talks about. And "pleasure" leads to "goodness" and "beauty". Where Socrates seemed to touch and did not touch, "Why do humans feel" pleasant "?" That is because human beings are made to feel "pleasant". And he feels "pleasant" when he sees beautiful things, and he feels "pleasant" when he does good things. If eating things is "unpleasant", seeing flowers is "unpleasant", and all actions are "unpleasant", then human beings are "don't eat, don't see, don't do". Then, such a would have finally perished.

At the same time that human beings lived with human "sense", human beings had "pleasure". "Human sense" (= thinking) and "pleasure" are the same thing. There was no "seed" of human beings without having it at the same time. Why did you decide to have it at the same time? There is no reason for that. It just happened that I had something left at the same time. Among various biological differentiations, those with such attributes happened to remain. Some may have only one. Some would not have both. Only one did not remain. That's it.

Human beings are not "excellent" (though it is selfish to think of them as excellent, they are a kind of privilege and conceit that has the characteristic of "thinking"). Only "I did as much as I could" and "I changed as much as I could" (Kinji Imanishi).

So we have no choice but to continue to seek "pleasure". Because that is "human beings are humans". Seeking "pleasure" is not "easy". It's up to the machine to open the trash can lid, and "jogging" while keeping the body still even when the TV is switched on. I don't understand, but some people think it's "pleasant." You should have "human sense" and "ability to think", so please think about it. It's not "pleasant", but "I think it's just considered pleasant." I think jogging (exercise) is "pleasant". If so, throw away your books and smartphones and "run." I'm sure "everything" will start from there.

"Everything has its own unique" nature of existence "(Ushi (FF) Ah), where it is associated. Each thing happens only in the way that it has. I don't know the other way. For example, even now, the cause of the occurrence of two is none other than <2. >, And I cannot tell the other causes. Certainly, those who are going to be two must share and are going to be one. Things must share <1>. "(P296-297)

(P.299) Form (Aidos)

"If you ask," What is the reason why you get sick in the case of something, that is, the body? ", You don't say that there is illness. Rather, I would say fever is . "(P.312) __ Difficult. But it's the essence of illness. It does not mean "disease (pathogen)" but "has a medical condition (form?)". Ideas can't (do not) .

(P.320) __Logos (λόγος, in this case "knowledge") continues to increase => History (remains) "Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ Λόγος , καὶὁ ** Λόγος ** ἦν πρὸς τὸν Θεόν, καὶ Θεὸς ἦν ὁ Λόγος.-In the beginning, there was a word (logos). The word was with God, and the word was God. " Absent. Or ⟨reason⟩.

(P.322) __ Socrates, even if he was raised by the nation, might not have thought that he was raised by his parents. It can be seen from the attitude toward children. Did you grow up in a family with a poor parent-child relationship?

(P.333) __I look down on classical Greece because of my view of progress (look down). Sense of superiority. I can't read without love for classical Greece (!!)

We are said to be in a "rich and free society." What so. "Affluent and free" means "richer than anything else."

Sedentist life, transfer family, Mad

Do people loved by their parents love sex? Not just domestic violence and sexual violence.


