がんと癌は違います 知っているようで知らない医学の言葉55 山本健人著 2021/03/25 幻冬舎新書

がんと癌は違います 知っているようで知らない医学の言葉55 山本健人著 2021/03/25 幻冬舎新書



















According to the profile, the author is four "specialists" and one "certified doctor". This isn't mentioned in the "know but don't know" knowledge, but I think it's probably because there is a certification system and you have a number of qualifications. It's okay to give your name if you have the qualifications (for example, a scrivener and a certified accountant), but the word "specialty" means "specialize in it and excel in that field." I think like that.

I wonder how this book, which is an "infectious disease specialist" and corrects popular and popular theories, calls "PCR-positive people" "infected people". (P.61)

So, it seems to be understandable and unclear, saying, "In fact, even people who are infected know that at most 30% will be" negative "" (same as above). ..

Is medicine a science?

I'm wondering if medicine should be called science. After reading this book, the question became deeper and deeper.

It is true that doctors are no longer an experienced profession. Since it is often quantified and made into a manual, in the extreme case, it may be something like "If you have inspection equipment, you don't need technology." On the contrary, if you do not follow the manual and respect the numbers, you will lose the "medical proceedings". That's why doctors these days say that stethoscopes should be "tested" (patients also complain that they won't test). Therefore, the patient is relieved (or anxious) by saying "There is no abnormality" in the phrase after various tests.

For example, if you have a blood pressure of 140, your doctor will probably say, "Your blood pressure is high (high)." Because 140 (or 130) is the standard. But that is in Japan, and the standards differ from country to country. Until recently, 160 was the standard in Japan as well. Standards that change from country to time are not at least "universal."

Well, it's a hassle to write the details. Blood pressure changes when you sleep, run, when you are nervous, when you meet someone you like, when you get older, and so on, and it is the normal reaction of your body to change.

I'm telling myself that if I'm not feeling well, I never need to be treated. That's why I don't get a medical examination "to worry".

Most people didn't like being "scored" at school. "Grades (scores) do not determine a person's value." I don't want my body to be scored.

However, many people go to the hospital to get a score and a judgment (diagnosis). Therefore, I am worried when I am told that there is nothing wrong with it. I'm disappointed and relieved when I'm told, "I'll give you some medicine." All you have to do is take the medicine. Many people are taking medicine. The medicine ... has become troublesome. (^ _ ^;)


The pronunciation is "trivia", isn't it? Does it mean something like "small story"? Every chapter and every item is interesting.

However, "people who write things", especially those who are engaged in the media (media), etc., are all items that I would like you to know. The influence of those who write based on authority is great.

In this era (which cannot be called "time"), it is difficult to write anything that goes against government policy or public opinion. However, I don't think it should be an "article" because it is written based on "authority" as a "doctor".

I think publishers will "kill books" if they think "it should sell". If you have the courage to kill yourself, the courage to "protect" Japan (the world) in the future is more important.


二〇一〇年京都大学医学部卒業。市中病院勤務を経て、現在京都大学大学院医学研究科、消化管外科。外科専門医、消化器病専門医、消化器外科専門医、感染症専門医、がん治療認定医など。「外科医けいゆう」のペンネームで医療情報サイト「外科医の視点」を運営。Yahoo! ニュース、時事メディカルなどのウェブメディアで定期連載。全国各地でボランティア講演なども精力的に行っている。著書に『医者が教える 正しい病院のかかり方』(幻冬舎新書)、『患者の心得 高齢者とその家族が病院に行く前に知っておくこと』(時事通信社)ほか。


[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4344986190 ]

