「AV女優」の社会学 なぜ彼女たちは饒舌に自らを語るのか 鈴木涼美著 2013/07/01 青土社

「AV女優」の社会学 なぜ彼女たちは饒舌に自らを語るのか 鈴木涼美著 2013/07/01 青土社アイドル・芸能人




どんなに想ってみても、アイドルが自分のものにならないことはわかっています。だからこそ「アイドル "idol"」、「偶像」なのですから。私たちが想っているのは〇〇さんという、特定の個人ではなくて●●という、(作られた・空想された)偶像あるいはイメージです。




















































Idol / Entertainer

Once upon a time, there were idols and entertainers' confessions, private life disclosure (exposure), etc. However, the truth of them is unknown, and I think that basically the person himself did not admit "publicly". It was a market for revealing books, weekly magazines, gossip magazines, variety shows and more.

Everyone wants to know about their "push" idols, stars (including athletes), and groups. I want to meet in person, and if possible, I want to hold my hand. I want a video or photo of that person. I want to get something with that person's name on it. I want to wear the clothes that person is wearing. I want to get what the person touched. I want to breathe the same air as that person. Some people escalate.

Fetishism (reification)

No matter how much I think about it, I know that idols don't belong to me. That is why they are "idols" and "idols". What we are thinking of is an idol or image of Mr. XX, not a specific individual, but ●●, which is (created or imagined).

It's fetishism, isn't it? As Marx wrote in "Das Kapital", it is a feeling suitable for the product form (a society in which it is dominant). It's no wonder that Islam bans idolatry. What is sold in a capitalist society is an image named a product. "Things" are nothing more than "things" that carry an image. So it's not inevitable. "Insurance products" are a typical example, and there are no "things" (although there is a piece of paper called a contract, it is delicate whether it can be said to be "yes" if it is even digitized).

Normally, it is not possible to check the contents before deciding whether to purchase after using it. Socrates asks a young man who wants to ask for teaching from the Sophist, "Do you pay for it when you don't know what you can teach?" It's similar.

The food package says "delicious" or "healthy", but you can't tell if it's really delicious until you try it, and you may never know if it's good for you. (smile)

That is why consumers strive to know the contents (substantial) as much as possible. Some people may have a habit of taking a closer look at the "Raw Materials" column. But in the end I don't know. The "Kaki no Tane" I have now says "Use powder of wasabi from Azumino", but I don't know if other than "Wasabi from Azumino" is used. If you use "Azumino-produced wasabi" even a little, the advertising phrase is not a lie.

AV actress profile (or Wikipedia)

The same is true for AV actresses. I feel that it becomes familiar to me by knowing "date of birth," "hometown," "size," "blood type (!)," "Hobbies and special skills," etc. increase.

But I don't know if the date of birth is "true". The size changes every day. Still, consumers (viewers) want to know. I don't know anyway, so you should believe in the "information" given. That's why you can inflate your image.

In a society where images are scarce, everyone is forced to be an image. It is meaningless to society to say, "I'm not really like this" (because society is "vertical"). "I'm always smiling because it's my job, but not everyone is always smiling." Everyone knows. However, they say, "That person is always smiling" or "Grandma's face only remembers a smile (" Okaeri Mone ")."

"Naughty women" and "metamorphic women (meaning that they seek sexual pleasure from themselves these days)" are certainly (somewhat concrete) forms of a man's desires. "Otome Game" ("My Fair Prince") is a manifestation of women's desires.

Free will

Free will arises from "personality." "Personality" is "being a" person ", that is, being a" human being. " Therefore, there is no "free will" in non-human beings. Some people may allow dogs and cats to have free will, but if they allow pigs and cows to have free will, they cannot eat (the difference between pets and beasts). Until modern times, women were not recognized as humans or personalities, so "free will" was unthinkable. Recognizing women's free will means that they are a society that sees women as human beings (although there may or may not be sex discrimination).

The reason why "person" was born from "persona" seems to be a secret that I haven't organized yet. Because "persona" means "mask".

However, only some men (in the West) were recognized as "personal". Only privileged people were "humans" (and women were relatively higher in the privileged class than they are today). Even now, children have only limited free will (and old people, people with dementia and mental illness).

How did so many men's free will come to be recognized? And did women's free will come to be recognized later? There is a true discourse that "society has progressed." The idea is that "democracy" and "freedom and equality" have "developed." It's the theory of evolution. The Catholic Church also admitted (with a limitation) in 1996. A female pope may come out from now on.

It's simple why so many people were recognized as "humans." "It was convenient for the ruling class (capitalists in modern times)," so it was decided as one "policy (policy)." At first, he recognized male workers as personalities. Next, he admitted the personality of women because it was "advantageous" to exploit women as well. Still, children cannot be workers, so free will is not allowed. If the human rights of children are recognized in earnest in the future, it will be synonymous with making children the target of exploitation. I think it is necessary to look at the current revision of the Juvenile Law not only from the perspective of "development of a free and equal society," but also from the perspective of a "capitalist society."

High school students (and, of course, college students) are forced into a labor force, but even if they think that it is unavoidable because it is a time, they see it as "social development." I don't think there are so many people. Furthermore, if "vocational education" becomes widespread, the gap between the privileged class and "others" will widen. Recently, I feel that there has been a movement regarding special cases for minor contracts, but I forgot.


Why did you recognize your personality? That is to envision what is called "free will." Equality and freedom are a set. Voluntary contracts by equal individuals are the basis of exploitation.

The contract involves the transfer of some "goods". The transferred item becomes the "ownership" of the "other (other personality)". The original owner (self) loses ownership and cannot claim that right. This was also considered in modern times (until then, it was thought that "goods" themselves had "will"). The exception is "humans", who should not be bought or sold. Buying and selling "things" with "personality" is an act of fundamentally denying society.

The existence of a slave is that it does not treat it as a "human" or "personality". In order to change a slave from a "servant" to a "worker," it was necessary to recognize its "personality." The fact that Western countries, including Japan, are noisy about "democracy" in Asia and the Middle East does not begin with a "humanitarian position." The difference is whether to "dehumanize and colonize" or "humanize and incorporate the entire social structure" in order to incorporate them and their society into the West. The latter is judged to be more efficient.

Representative democracy (which is quite different from classical democracy) is an application of this to the world of politics. Free will individuals vote in elections. By voting, voters must "assign" or "discard" some of their rights. The politician collects the rights that the voters have "discarded" and calls them "power." The "discarder" cannot (in principle) claim his or her rights to the dumped item. It's a "contract breach."

It is not a "project". It doesn't come back to me.

Workers sell the "labor force" because they cannot sell their personality. After selling, the owner of the workforce becomes a "company (or capitalist)". Workers cannot claim ownership of the workforce.

There is a slightly complicated problem that payment is made after exercising labor.

The same is true for freedom of choice. Freedom to create "free" workers, as well as freedom to create "professional" politicians and scholars. Politics is for politicians, scholarship is for scholars, paintings are for painters, novels are for novelists, and mochi is for mochiya. This frees workers from politics, scholarship, drawing, writing, and rice cake making (liberation or alienation). All that is left for workers is choice or evaluation (workers are also consumers).

Commercialization of sex

The same is true for sex. Existence is diverse. Gender is also diverse. There are aspects such as sacred and profane, beauty and eroticism, pleasure and reproduction. The same is true for Tatemae and Hongne. But they don't exist separately. Only in some societies they appear separately. When I look at the part, the whole thing is lost, but that is the "supplement". Anyway, where the separation appears, in order to take on either (part), the other part must be discarded. If you take on reproduction and holy, you will become a "wife." It may be said that if you take on beauty and eroticism, you become a "concubine", and if you take on pleasure and profane, you become a "prostitute". I have an idea. Besides, it is not clearly distinguishable. However, dividing (dividing) creates a fierce craving and hatred for the abandoned part. It is a conflict between a wife, a concubine, and a prostitute. The feelings towards politicians, scholars, artists, etc. are the same.

There will be innumerable "youth dramas" that focus on what you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to do, what you want to do, what you want to do, and so on. ). At the same time, the appearance of an adult who has "chosen" is also drawn. And the story of "do what you want to do", that is, the development that respects the "subject" and its "free will". But most young people can't decide what they want to do. You can't tell if a job you've never experienced is good or bad. "At the same time as I decided to keep doing this, I started to wonder why I was doing it. At first, I couldn't answer even though I didn't know what I was doing. . Mostly money, really everyone (T). ”(P.247)

It is premised that it can be commercialized and that the person (person) has free will. “The fact that they are free will is part of their business.” (P.242) This is true for all those who work in modern society (capitalism). Sex work, including prostitution, is branded as capitalist by saying "sex ** commercialization". Ancient Egyptian prostitutes and modern Japanese prostitutes are completely different. It is an unfounded reasoning to say that "prostitution does not go away" because "there are prostitutes in every society and every age". The same act has different meanings in each society.

In a capitalist society, theft is also branded as "free will." If you don't have free will, you can't ask "sin." But free will in capitalism, like any other society, has a family or community meaning, not an individual. Therefore, it cannot be canceled. Because there is envy and aversion to the actions of others. It is held in the root. The meaning of past actions varies from society to society.

"For us living in society, talking about the naked past and motives in public is not usually experienced. It is a very privileged AV in the sense that we are always asked for motives. It may be the pleasure that actresses know privilegedly. ”(P.261) The pleasure of idols and criminals is the same. In a society where free will is more respected than action, you must be aware (convinced) that you are also "free will" and be convinced that there is a "motivation" based on free will in the actions of others. So you have to be relieved. It is a society that requires explanations of one's actions, such as why he is doing this job, getting married, or committing a crime.

Questions such as "What should I do?" "What should I do?" ("Okaeri Mone") always attack people who are "nobody yet" as an obsession. This is the question, "What should I do?" And "What should I do?" It is difficult to answer this logically. "Choice (freedom to do)" always stands in front of you. It is impossible to give a logical answer to the question "Why am I in" now "and" here "?", Where people living in Western societies usually ask themselves once and give up the answer. In terms of causality, in order to answer the question "what should I do?", It is necessary to answer "why am I?". That is why the West has pursued "existence" as necessary.

The answer to that impossible question is to "talk about yourself".

Works of art and art as an act

"The awareness that AV is not a genre was a common feeling among industry insiders, and we urge women, both production and manufacturers, to share this awareness. In production interviews. The above-mentioned remarks that we often see are an opportunity for women to position AV as an entertainment industry and an art industry. ”(P.140)

It is a conflict between "art" (I think it means art here) and "(low) profane". If it's art, it's forgiving (forgiving) if it's entertainment. You must explain your actions with a code that is dominant in society (in line with the ruler's will), that is, something that can be "vertical".

By the way, while there are many media and mass media who talk and listen, there are artists who do not talk about their works. "The work speaks for itself." The work does not fully express the artist's intentions and evokes more than the intentions of the viewer. It is a conflict between the written (drawn) "thing" and the expressed "noto" and the writing (drawing) "act". There is "performance art" in the field of contemporary art, but this act itself is important. It's an epoch-making art, but it's not very popular. The reason is simple. This is because it "remains" only in memory (memory will disappear someday). It cannot cross "time" and "place". It does not accumulate and does not multiply.

There is a Mesopotamian legend that "letters" began as "letters." Regardless of its authenticity, letters convey the will of the person who writes it across time and space. In other words, it "remains." To remain is to "accumulate" or "proliferate". That is a fundamental difference from the "voice", which is the objectification of the same intention. It will be clear that capitalism is a culture born of the thinking of letters.

"Potlatch" directly denies this accumulation. It is difficult for us who grew up in a capitalist society (or a society with letters) to understand.

Wholeness (completeness) and partialness (imperfections)

To "name" something is to separate itself (part) from the whole. By cutting out a "mountain" from the sealed house in front of you, a "difference" is created in a uniform world. It's a mountain and it's not a mountain. Those that are not mountains are further segmented into "sky," "forest," "flat land," "river," etc.

The segmented world loses its unity. The conflict between "whole" and "individual" begins. "Whole" is not a collection of "individuals". Even if you collect the top plate and legs after segmenting (disassembling) the desk into the top plate and legs, it will not become a "desk". It is different from "looking at the trees and not looking at the forest", but "whole" is not a set of "individuals". By finding the "individual", the "whole" is lost. The act of trying to recover the lost "whole" is "abstraction (generalization)". However, by "abstracting", "individual (part, concreteness)" is lost this time.

"Individual (part)" loses the completeness of "whole" (the concept of "system" or "field" also tries to define this wholeness). Imperfections will try to regain perfection. The "individual" person is by no means perfect. But to be free will, you have to be perfect. To be an individual, he must be one piece of perfection, just like "another person." Seeking perfection, staying imperfect is staying "frustrated."

It's kind of painful, isn't it? The assassinated President Kennedy said, "If we act to eliminate material deficiencies, there is a bigger challenge. It's a fight against deficiencies of satisfaction ... we are all suffering for it." .. So what if you don't want it? Should I think that I am "satisfied"? Should we think of "luxury as an enemy"?

That is not the case. Poverty does not just result from material deficiencies. We feel "poor (no money)" when we find a lot of delicious food on the supermarket or when we see a new car that looks good on TV commercials. A5 rank beef steak, robot that automatically cleans ... This is because there are many things (products) around. Frustrated, we want something else, even if we get a "part" of those things.

I like books. I also like AV. However, reading a book or watching an AV takes many times longer than buying them. If you start buying it because you want it, the amount will soon be too large to read. "Tsundoku" begins. Countless books are published every day. That has been going on for thousands of years (Gutenberg invented typography around 1450. It seems that woodblock printing has been around in China since the 7th century. Letterpress was invented 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. Or).

I think that frustration began when the "record (accumulation)" that started with letters that transcended time and space exceeded the "memory" of human beings, and at the point (place) that exceeded it.

Absolute poverty and relative poverty.

This book and author

"We are more ambivalent. Sometimes the night world is difficult and the day world is easier to live in, while the day world is murderous and the night world is more fun. I want both the evaluations I receive and the evaluations associated with sex. The troubles continue even after I take off my symbolic uniform. (LF) * (LF) I have discussed so far in one word. It's about the addictiveness of selling the body and sex. ”(P.301) The author has no intention of equating or differentiating the AV actress business with other labor. The author is also trying hard to explain his actions. When I read this book knowing that the author was an AV actress, the desperation of the author is painfully conveyed. It does not fully represent the author's intent and conveys more than the intent to the reader. There is no doubt that the author is also addicted to "speaking" and "writing." However, the author himself may not have understood why "speaking" is "pleasant" and "addictive". But I think she's getting closer to that. I think that is because I focused on the "ambivalent" existence of "AV actress", the "ambivalent" existence of "female", and the "ambivalent" existence of "self (human)".






「「性の商品化」の現場で紡ぎだされていく彼女たちの「自由意志」。驚嘆すべき知的体力と理論的構想力によって「性を商品化する」ことの意味を丁寧に問い返し、自由意志論を机上から解き放つ。」 北田暁大


第一章 饒舌なAV女優
第二章 性の商品化とセックスワークとAV女優
第三章 AV女優の仕事
第四章 面接と語り
第五章 単体AV女優から企画AV女優へ
第六章 動機を語る動機
「「政治勢力化(FF)した抵抗の場」でも、「抑圧の場」でもない売春行為は、彼女らにとって、仕事の中の、忘却された付加的部分でしかない。それは、ポルノに関する諸研究が、もっぱらポルノ作品に焦点をあて、表現としてのポルノについての問題は語りながらも、表現としてではない、行為としてのポルノについて問題にしてこなかったことと近似しているように思う。」(P.253-254)__nota bene!芸術作品と、芸樹と行為、行為としての芸術。パフォーマンス。記録される、あるいは物質化し、対象として存在させる意味。「再現」すること。Video。脚本、楽譜(文字)。
第七章 おわりに 生きた経験としての性の商品化

[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4791767045 ]




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