言葉のない世界に生きた男 スーザン・シャラー著 中村妙子訳 1993/06/25 晶文社

言葉のない世界に生きた男 スーザン・シャラー著 中村妙子訳 1993/06/25 晶文社







その手話は「アメスラン」(アメリカ手話 ASL = American Sign Language )です。手指英語(Signed English)は英語の音を視覚的に表したもので、英語の文法に則っていますが、アメスランは独自の文法を持っている英語とは違う「一つの言語」です。日本でアメスランにあたるのが、「日本手話(伝統的手話)」、手指英語に相当するのが「手指日本語(同時法的手話)」だそうです。前者を覚える(勉強する)ということは一つの外国語を覚えるということだと思います。












英語には、過去形とか、完了形とかがあります。日本語にもあることになっていますが、それはSAEから見たものです。「ここにあった」という日本語は「Here it was」ではありません。「(なんだ〜)ここにあった」なら、「Here it is」です。日本語で「あった」と言うのは、たぶん、自分の存在を過去に位置づけてその自分との関連付けての発言のような気がします。英語の動詞には未来形がありません。なぜでしょう。著者は1年が12ヶ月に、1ヶ月が30日、あるいは4週間に、1日が24時間に分けられることを当然と考えているようですが、それはけっして当り前のことじゃないし、言語と同質なものでもありません。考え方の違いです。













「Here it is」「Water, please」をなるべく正確に日本語に訳すことは大切です。でも、それには限界があります。それは、私が言った「ありがとう」を、同じ日本語であなたが、他の人に伝える難しさと同じものです。それは、わたしが感じている感謝の気持を「言葉で」表す難しさでもあります。




What if you suddenly get lost in a country (world) where you don't understand the language? You may be lonely and desperate just because you don't understand the language. You will desperately try to convey your "will" with gestures.

On the contrary, what if you were a person from that country looking at me like that? I'm sure you're scared of me making strange voices while gesturing. While many people are afraid of me, some may approach me with courage because of their "kindness." I think the author is one of those people. There may have been feelings of "I saw something scary" or "I want to know" as an object of interest.

I don't know if the author is "commercialism" or if this book is "non-fiction". But that doesn't matter. It makes me happy just because there is (possibly) someone like the author (or the protagonist).

Sign language

Ildefonsus is a 27-year-old man. He is deaf and he has lived without knowing words. The author teaches sign language to Ildefonsus. Or rather, I would like to know him in sign language.

The sign language is "Ameslan" (American Sign Language). Signed English is a visual representation of the sounds of English and follows the grammar of English, but Ameslan is a "one language" that is different from English, which has its own grammar. It is said that "Japanese Sign Language (traditional sign language)" corresponds to Ameslan in Japan, and "Signed Japanese (simultaneous legal sign language)" corresponds to finger English. I think that learning (studying) the former means learning one foreign language.

It's impossible for me, who is not good at foreign languages.

Foreign language

My complex with foreign languages ​​is so strong that I have tried many different languages ​​over and over again. I liked the Beatles, so I used English, when I was addicted to Korean dramas, I used Korean, when I was interested in Greek philosophy, I used classical Greek, Sanskrit, Chinese, Ainu ... I understand the alphabet in English. There are no letters in Ainu. Chinese is a Chinese character, but it has a different font and meaning from the Chinese characters used in Japan. I can't read Sanskrit at all. Greek letters are different from the alphabet, so I can't read them well. All but English are "Mikabozu" (although I had no choice but to study English at school). Languages ​​that you don't understand (that is, can't read) are hard to come by.

If you fail, the complex will become stronger and stronger (laughs). I have given up on being bilingual. It's annoying, but it can't be helped (although I still have a grudge against an English teacher in high school).

In the course of that setback, I learned a few things. One of them is that different words have different ways of thinking. I was reading an introductory book in Chinese a few days ago without discipline, but when I saw the difference from Japanese, I thought, "Hey, Chinese people think this way."

I don't know if the thought (thinking) decides the language or the language decides the thought. Certainly there is interaction, but if humans are born "blank", language will define their thinking. Thoughts and culture are the society itself, and I think that society is closely related to the climate of the region in which it is located.

Words, actions, time

Ildefonsus seems to have had a hard time figuring out the difference between nouns and verbs, but the separation of nouns and verbs is unique to SAE (Average European Standard). It seems that there is no adjective in Ainu language. The adjectives in SAE seem to be verb-like, and "beautiful" means "become beautiful" and "be beautiful." Perhaps it is a dynamic process rather than a fixed objectivity. Even in Japanese, it is popular to add "ru" to a noun to make it a verb. However, this is not a recent thing, and it is a feature that Japanese has had for a long time (Is it started by reading the Chinese text?).

It's easy to name things that don't move, but I find it difficult to name the movement itself. The difference between "walking" and "running" is probably different from the difference between "walking" and "run". I think the difference is larger than the difference between "dog", "cat" and "dog", and "cat", but is it smaller than the difference between "cow" and "ax, cow, bull"? do not understand.

The same is true for

adjectives. The difference between "hot and cold" is different from the difference between "hot (hot) and cold (cold)". In Japanese, "water" is cold, but SAE doesn't seem to think it's cold.

What Ildefonsus may not have understood until the last time he met the author is the concept of time. This is also characteristic of SAE. SAE keeps track of time spatially. I think you can measure and divide time as if it were in front of you. Think of it as one dimension, the time axis. Minkowski space is that mathematical expression, isn't it? Even in Japanese, there is a tendency to perceive time spatially as "far" or "close". But is it because of the revolving idea that I feel that it is a little different from SAE?

In English, there are past tense and perfect tense. It is supposed to be in Japanese, but it is from SAE's point of view. The Japanese word "here it was" is not "Here it was". If "(what) was here", then "Here it is". When I say "was" in Japanese, I think it's probably a statement that positions my existence in the past and associates it with me. English verbs have no future tense. I wonder why. The author seems to take it for granted that a year is divided into 12 months, a month into 30 days, or 4 weeks, and a day into 24 hours, but that's not the norm, and it's the same quality as the language. It's not something like that. It's a different way of thinking.


Ildefonsus had the concept of numbers even before the author taught the language. Some of Ildefonsus' friends are also math-savvy. Letters and numbers may be completely different. It doesn't matter if you read "1, 2, 3" as "Ichi, Nii, San" or "one, two, three". At least it's not a phonetic character. Naming numbers is not the same as naming things.

The letters are said to have started in commerce. I thought so too. But I thought it was with (parentheses). The numbers may be close to a "puzzle". Numbers are more like "marks" than letters.

However, when the number (character) exceeds a certain level, it becomes a character (or concept). In Chinese characters, there are units such as "10", "hundreds", "thousands", "10,000", and "100 million", and in SAE, there are units such as "das", "cents", "kilo", and "mega". They go beyond everyday life (concreteness). In everyday life, the number of fingers and toes, which exceeds the number of "natural calculators", is rarely used. For example, I wouldn't say "I ate 500 grains of kesa rice." "Ichizen" or "a bowl of tea". The amount of rice we eat in a year is not a grain or a cup, but a bale.

Teach, learn

What the author always cares about is the ethics of "teaching." "Education can convey to students the message that you must be like the teacher who teaches you, which means that the student, or his way of thinking, is inferior to the teacher. "(P.224). The pros and cons of a person interfering with a person's "inner world." That is also what has been discussed as "human rights" in Western thought.

It's "enlightenment". It is also a discriminatory structure due to differences in language that began after the Age of Discovery or from the classical Greek Barbaroi. I see the existence of a culture that absolutely views the "ego" and a "culture of letters" against the background of power.

(Mary Douglas) points out, "Acclimatizing animals means controlling physiological processes. Socialization of children means the same." It is a challenge to the sacred notion that we have about humanity. So those who captured wild children often treated them outrageously in order to make them "more human." (P.228) "After experiencing disorder and chaos for a long time, being able to organize and control a part of the world around me gave the person a great sense of power. Must be "(P.246). This is the discovery of an object as an object of control, and the formation of a controlling subject. If you look at everything other than the ego as an object, you also see another ego, that is, another person as an object and an object of control. But that must also be an "ego". To invade it is to invade oneself, and the ego cannot tolerate it. That is the "excuse, forgiveness" of "human rights." In order to break through it, the object must be "dehumanized", or "inferior" or "developing". "Teaching and nurturing" always has that potential. It is also the possibility of violence.

The author ceases the "teacher-student" relationship. However, no matter how careful I am, I think the author has a feeling of "poor, I want to help." Isn't mercy and assistance still a "treasure" or a "superiority complex"?

I think the anguish of this author is more important than the impression of the "Helen Keller story".


Language is a world view. Learning a foreign language means knowing a "different" and "new" worldview, way of thinking, and thought. By knowing another worldview, I can understand my own worldview ("I thought that I could explain my own world by understanding his world in detail." P.154) .. At that time, if there is an "ego", it will attract you to your "view of your world" and "interpret" your "view of another world". Then, the world view that you know will not be "another" or "new", and as a result, you will not be able to know "yourself." No matter how far you go, others are nothing more than an extension of the Ego. The "ego" only expands (blows) and cannot be understood.

It is important to translate "Here it is" and "Water, please" into Japanese as accurately as possible. But there are limits to that. It is the same difficulty that you can convey the "thank you" I said to others in the same Japanese. It is also the difficulty of "verbally" expressing the feeling of gratitude that I feel.

I don't think it's impossible. I think it's different to give up to Nihilistic, saying, "Everyone is lonely" and "It's impossible to understand each other." At least, the world is made up of it.



(イシ・・・北米最後の野生のインディアン・ヤヒ族の最後の男)「イシを原始的だとか、野蛮だとか、考える人がいるかもしれない。しかし極端な偏見を持つ者でも、彼を非人間的だとは考えないだろう。一方、古来多くの人が言葉を欠いている人たちを人間の枠の外にいると見なしてきた。古代のギリシア人はギリシア人以外の人間をバルバロイと呼んだ。バーバリアンーー野蛮人ーーはこの語から派生したのである。彼らの耳に外国語が、まるでナンセンスと聞こえたからだった。しかしギリシア人はパルバロイを人間と見ていたばかりではなく、ギリシア人によって文明化しうる人々、ギリシア的教養を身につけることができる人々と認めていた。hellenisthenai ten glossan とは文字どおりに訳すと、ギリシア人の舌を通じてギリシア化されるという意味になるだろうか。古代人はイルデフォンソがわたしに教えてくれたようなことを、身をもって感じとっていた。言語は人類を規定しない。それは部族を規定するのである。」(P.156)__蝦夷、南蛮

[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4794961242 ]

