知の旅は終わらない 僕が3万冊を読み100冊を書いて考えてきたこと 立花隆著 2020/01/20 文春新書

知の旅は終わらない 僕が3万冊を読み100冊を書いて考えてきたこと 立花隆著 2020/01/20 文春新書


彼の著作は何冊かもっていますが、ちゃんと読んだことはないかもしれません。亡くなったあとに1996年に放送された『NHK人間大学『知の現在 限りなき人間へのアプローチ』 立花隆』をYoutubeで観ました(約6時間)。すごい人です。とても私には真似ができないと思いました。









マルクスは「より低級な動物種類にあるより高級なものへの予兆は、このより高級なもの自体がすでに知らされている場合にだけ理解することができる。こうしてブルジョア経済は、古代その他の経済への鍵を提供する。」(同、"Höhres、das Höhere"を「高級」と訳していいのかどうかはわかりません)と続けますが、晩年マルクスが乗り越えようとしていたのはこのことです。資本主義的生産関係が「高級」なもので、他の生産関係は「低級」なものであり、封建主義的生産関係から、ブルジョア革命を経て生産力を向上させ、社会主義革命によって資本主義的生産関係を破壊する、という視点はここから生まれます。進化論的な発想です。マルクスは『資本論』を書いている途中に迷ってしまいました。西洋的考え方からいえば「あたりまえ」のことです。自分が中心で、自分たちの社会が中心、人間・現在が発展の最高段階なのです。そして、未来はさらに発展した「高級」なものであり、それに較べると現在の人間や社会は「低級」です。だから、社会を変えなければいけない。変え続けるのが人間の運命なのです。



立花がエーゲ海諸国の遺跡で感じた文化の厚み、深遠さは「語ること」すら拒む「主客の垣根を超えた」ものだったはずです。だから、彼は『エーゲ 永遠回帰の海』を「自分が書いた本の中で一番気に入っている」し、たぶん、その発展形を本にしたかっただろうと思います。






Takashi Tachibana died on April 30, 2021 at the age of 80. The person who defeated Kakuei in "Kakuei Tanaka Study" (^_^;).

He has several books, but he may not have read them properly. After his death, I watched "NHK Human University" Approach to the Present Endless Humans of Knowledge "Takashi Tachibana" on Youtube (about 6 hours). He is a great person. I thought he couldn't imitate me very much.

I got this book for 97 yen including tax at a second-hand bookstore on the way to a 100-yen shop. It was interesting and I read page 415 at once. It took about 6 hours. Someone said that it's best to read a new book while going to Osaka by Shinkansen, but I'm slow to read.

The content is wearing Youtube. Experiences from childhood to university students and from 1996 to 2020, which are not found in "Human University", are written.

The author was said to be the "Knowledge Giant." "Knowledge" is both "knowledge" and "knowledge itself". "Pursuing and loving knowledge" is nothing but "φιλοσοφία", that is, "philosophy". And that is "Western philosophy". This is because "philosophy" is a Japanese translation of "φιλοσοφία". Therefore, it is strange to say "Eastern philosophy" or "Indian philosophy". Philosophy itself is a form of thinking.

It is "Nishi Amane" again. We are thinking in the hands of Western Zhou.

I want to call Takashi Tachibana's thinking philosophy. In that sense, Kitaro Nishida is not a "philosopher."

Tachibana's parents were "non-church Christians." And he repeatedly writes that he is not a Christian himself. But it is not a "Christian" in the same sense that he says "Japanese are not aware that they are Buddhists," and they are Christians. He travels around Europe (and the Middle East) and is overwhelmed by the "thickness of culture and history." And he says that Western novels and cultures cannot be understood without an understanding of Christianity. I think so, too. However, I am affected by Western culture to the extent that I think "Western philosophy" is a philosophy.

Western culture here includes Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. It can be broadly referred to as "culture of independence" or "culture of subject". That is why Tachibana's thought is a philosophy.

This is clearly shown in "Pharmatology". Marx said, "Human anatomy is one of the keys to the anatomy of monkeys" ("Draft Collection of Capital Theory" << 1 >> P.58). I think this is exactly what Marx couldn't break through. Tachibana is surprised to "know" that "monkeys also have orgies" and "lesbians". He is very straightforward. He does not resist his temptation to write "surprise," "funny," and "fun." He tries to explain the monkey culture in human culture and try to convince him. Scholars try to study what they cannot explain and what they do not understand until they are satisfied.

Marx said, "The precursors to the higher ones in the lower animal species can only be understood if the higher ones themselves are already known. Thus the bourgeois economy goes to ancient and other economies. (I don't know if "Höhres, das Höhere" can be translated as "luxury"), but this is what Marx was trying to overcome in his later years. Capitalist relations of production are "high-class" and other relations of production are "low-grade". From feudal relations of production to bourgeois revolution, productivity is improved, and capitalist by socialist revolution. This is where the perspective of destroying relations of production comes from. It's an evolutionary idea. Marx got lost while writing "Das Kapital". From a Western point of view, it is "natural". You are the center, your society is the center, and human beings and the present are the highest stages of development. And the future is a more developed "high class", and in comparison, the present human beings and society are "low class". Therefore, we must change society. It is human destiny to keep changing.

It would be good if "monkeys", "ancient society (culture / economy)", "blacks", "Indians", and "people who speak English and German" could "interpret" from the "present". Engels did that, and Lenin thought, "It's easier to understand." I think Marx's crispness in Zasulich's "Letter to Zasulich" represents Marx's embarrassment.

Did Tachibana understand "the feeling of a monkey"? Did you call it "knowledge"? Didn't you just try to "interpret" it? Was Tachibana able to "know" the "joy" of when a dog wields its tail or when a plant is exposed to sunlight? Speaking and knowing a human being or an object (as a predicate) with oneself as the subject (as the subject) is nothing but a "Western (Christian)" way of thinking.

The depth and depth of culture that Tachibana felt at the ruins of the Aegean countries must have been "beyond the boundaries of the main customer" who refused to even "speak." So, he "likes the Aegean Sea of ​​Eternal Return" "the most favorite book I've written," and I think he probably wanted to make a development of it.

But don't make it a "book" or "letter". Because it is lost by making it a letter. At the end of this book is the story of my list of unpublished books. "Metaphysics" is the "upper" of physics, "so I've always thought that metaphysics should be based on the cutting-edge knowledge of modern physics. Will be the last book "(P.405-406). The book didn't come true, but it's more important that "Aegean Sea ..." was made into a paperback book.

Actually, the book later called "Metaphysics" was just placed on top of other books. (^_^;)

I'm writing while watching the breaking news of the House of Representatives election. The Liberal Democratic Party seems to have taken a stable majority. What is Tachibana? For Tachibana, politics and society are nothing more than "objects of knowledge." If you are satisfied with it, that's fine. Therefore, "Kakuei Tanaka research", "Study of the Japanese Communist Party", "Near-death experience" and "Return from space" can live together in him, and can even be thrown away. Tachibana points out Japan's peace movement, the way of discussion, and the idea of ​​freedom of speech. He continued to report, "Let's go to vote." Democracy and equality. It is Western "logic", "ethics" or values.

Yesterday (the date changed), Twitter posted a lot of pictures of people lining up for voting. Today, a video of an attempted murderer who imitated "Joker" was shown. Someone immediately thinks it is "suspicious". Like Tachibana, I feel envious and very disappointed that I can feel "joy" and "meaning of life" in "knowing the object" and "targeting it to" knowledge "". To do.




『宇宙からの帰還』にはじまるサイエンスものでは、『サル学の現在』でサルと人間に細かく分け入り、『精神と物質 分子生物学はどこまで生命の謎を解けるか』でノーベル賞科学者の利根川進に綿密な取材を施し、『脳死』では安易な脳死判定基準に鋭く切り込んだ。科学を立花ほど非科学者の下に届けてくれた書き手はいない。浩瀚な書物である『ロッキード裁判とその時代』『巨悪vs言論』『天皇と東大』『武満徹・音楽創造への旅』は余人の及ばない仕事であり、また旅を語っても、哲学、キリスト教、書物を論じても冠絶しておもしろい。

知の旅は終わらない 僕が3万冊を読み100冊を書いて考えてきたこと 立花隆著 2020/01/20 文春新書
[ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4166612475]

