NHK人間大学『免疫・「自己」と「非自己」の科学』 多田富雄 1998年放送 NHK

NHK人間大学『免疫・「自己」と「非自己」の科学』 多田富雄 1998年放送 NHK















このあたりから、日本語文化と欧米文化との差が生じます。日本もどんどん欧米化していますが、やはり日本的なものは日本語を通じて残っています。私が幼い頃は野良猫や野良犬がたくさんいました。鈴木孝夫さんが日本とイギリスのペット観の差を書いています(『ことばと文化 (岩波新書)』)。古い本ですので、状況は変わっているものの、ペットにたいする基本的な態度は残っているような気がします。家畜にたいする態度は、牧畜文化と農耕文化の差ですよね。『ブタがいた教室』を観た人の感想はいろいろでしょうが、日本人と欧米人とではかなり違うのではないでしょうか。その違いの大きな原因は〈主体〉と〈客体〉の捉え方にあると思います。イギリス人は「ペットの犬」を「家族として扱う」というような説があります。それを鈴木氏は「支配するもの」「されるもの」と捉えています。私は、子供の教育に関しても同じことがいえると思っています。西欧人にとって、子供は対等な人間ではないのです。だから、叩いてでも従わせる。それは自分と同じ「人間」にするために行います。〈自分〉に従わない者は殺しても殺人にはならないとすら思います。「動物だって同じ〈生命(いのち)〉だから」という言葉が持つ意味は、日本人には当たり前のことでも欧米人にとっては違和感がありそうな気がします。〈論理〉的には説明できませんから。










I didn't read the book, I watched it on Youtube. 12 times for a total of 6 hours. Tetsuji Yamamoto introduced (the book) in "Michel Foucault's Thinking System".

Now, almost compulsory inoculation of the new coronavirus vaccine is about to begin (it has begun). "Immune" has also become a hot topic for the time being. For most people, the difference between "innate immunity" and "acquired immunity" is also unclear. False information (hoaxes) such as "70% of people get innate immunity when they get a vaccine" are also openly broadcast on TV.

I happened to be doing immunity at NHK's High School Biology today (I am a lucky person). ?). It has been 23 years since this "Human University" was broadcast. In the meantime, immunology seems to be progressing a lot.

I think Mr. Tomio Tada[wiki(JP)] was an interesting person, but he seemed to be quite nervous on the air. Both Mr. Tada and Mr. Hiroshi Kawamoto of the high school course are good at illustration. Are biologists good at illustration? It is somewhat easier to understand if it is explained visually, such as in illustrations and micrographs.

Viruses are invisible, but invisible ones are scary. But it is a fear with the uncertainty of "existence". Today's Japan is "visual culture". That is "character culture". "Voice" disappears immediately. If you miss it, you will lose it. But the characters can be read again. Books and television (both Youtube) are a culture of letters. You might think that TV will be different (I won't go into details), but you can see the power of subtitles (telops) from news to variety shows. Characters are (although) "objective standing". Therefore, "existence" is confirmed by being visible. Viruses are the same as ghosts and are invisible. It is "visualization" that is confirmed as "existence". If it is visualized, there will be something that does not exist. There were no "aliens" a century ago. It needs to be visible, not just "consciousness" or "concept". The "image" that the alien "is silver, has a big head, and has two big black eyes ..." and the Martian "is like an octopus ..." is probably seen in illustrations and videos. It is an illustration. I don't think there are any gods or witches. Even if it were, it wouldn't be visible. The power of religious paintings drawn in Europe (Christian culture) is enormous. Perhaps the existence of the witch and the existence of the god were fixed by "vision".

The presence of the virus is also created by the electron micrograph. The "red" photo of the new coronavirus probably comes from the "sun corona", but the virus has no color. It's the same as having no color in an X-ray. When it is presented in a photograph and in color, it makes me wonder, "I wonder if there is such a thing." And the fear of a virus is not due to "uncertainty of existence", but to the fear of "existing but invisible". "Existence (objective reality)" becomes "scientific". I think that few people feel uncomfortable with "existence = science (target)" (though it does not exist, science is not called science). In other words, "character = objective reality = science".

The immune cells in Mr. Kawamoto's illustration have two eyes. Mr. Tada also uses expressions such as "eating pathogens" and "transmitting information." In other words, it is anthropomorphic. It is as if the immune cells have a will.

This anthropomorphization, or broadening the scope, is "metaphor," "metaphor," and "metaphor," but I think this metaphor helps understanding and at the same time distorts understanding.

I think the metaphor is universal in every era and every culture. For example, "God as a metaphor of nature" seems to be universal. Some people talk to dolls. You cannot directly know what nature is like or how others feel. Therefore, by saying, "I would feel like this," I "guess" the feelings of others. This is also called "empathy" in a popular language these days.

But think about it. Why can't we understand others without "empathy" or "guessing"? Can we not understand each other unless we have empathy and seek empathy from others? What should I do if I don't have one? It seems that there are many people who cannot have it. What about criminals? A selfish child. An old man with dementia. People with intellectual disabilities.

One of the answers is to "isolate / confine" such people. Another answer is to "monitor" and "manage and supervise". It is also possible to answer that it will be "erased" in the extreme.

The opposite question is also possible. Why do we, the ones who think we can "guess", do so, or why is it possible? If you have the famous "Ring of Gyges[wiki(JP)]" in Plato's "State" and you can disappear freely and get what you like at any time, you should "guess" others. Will you do it?

I think Plato was suffering as well as Socrates. The whole of Greece was screaming. It's not just for war. It is a fear of the influx of "ego". It is "longing" and "fear" for the act of writing. I think Plato is a genius. His only weakness is that he "has lost the temptation to write." His teacher, Socrates, continued to talk to avoid objectification. For that reason, he refused to establish an "ego". So he could have died according to Police's orders. If Plato had been tried, he would have escaped the death penalty "at a fine" as he suggested to Socrates.

The solution is whether to see from the "self" and whether to see the other person (and yourself) as the "object". By setting yourself and others, you can "guess" and at the same time become necessary . As long as there is a barrier between the self and others, it is (almost) impossible to overcome it. This is because "deception" gets into the very intention of overcoming it. At least I have a "superiority complex" when I think others look cute. We share a sense of discrimination when we think we should not discriminate. You can always see "double copy" and "dub" whether it is for the other party or for yourself. The way others feel (and how they feel) can only be expressed as a "metaphor". T cells are said to "eat and destroy" virus-infected cells. However, we avoid calling "apoptosis" "suicide." I wonder why. It's good to be able to eat and be eaten. But the ego must not collapse.

From this point, there is a difference between Japanese culture and Western culture. Japan is becoming more and more Westernized, but Japanese things still remain through Japanese. When I was little, there were many stray cats and stray dogs. Takao Suzuki wrote about the difference between Japanese and British views of pets ( Language and Culture(Iwanami Shinsho) ). It's an old book, so although the situation has changed, I feel that the basic attitude towards pets remains. The attitude toward livestock is the difference between livestock culture and farming culture, isn't it? People who watched "The Class with Pigs" may have different impressions, but I think Japanese and Westerners are quite different. I think the main reason for the difference is the way we perceive "subject" and "object". There is a theory that British people treat "pet dogs" as "family". Suzuki regards it as "the one that controls" and "the one that is done." I think the same is true for children's education. For Westerners, children are not equal human beings. Therefore, even if you hit it, you will obey it. We do it to be the same "human" as ourselves. I don't even think that killing someone who doesn't obey "self" will not result in murder. The meaning of the phrase "because animals are the same" life "" seems to be natural for Japanese people but uncomfortable for Westerners. I can't explain it logically.

The same can be said for "prison," "school," and "hospital."

The feeling that the same person hates "cannibalism" that eats humans is also strong for me. However, thinking of the culture that does it as "a religious ritual, not food" is difficult to understand because it is just trying to incorporate it into our "logic". Similarly, "logic" cannot explain why murder or suicide is a bad thing. There, he brings out "God", "Society", and appeals to his emotions, "I don't want to be killed." If anything, a Japanese who thinks that dogs, cats, pigs, and cows have "the same life" will answer when a child asks, "Why can I kill and eat cows?" Is it? With a slightly sad face, do you even answer, "There is no way to live. There is no way to live." I'm relieved if the child agrees and stops asking the question, but I don't think the person who answered it is convinced by himself. I want to somehow convince what I don't understand. That's why everyone wants to know. Why did the criminal commit a crime? Why did that entertainer have an affair? In "Sociology of" AV Actress "", Ryomi Suzuki says "know" from the perspective of an actress who "talks". I have drawn this wonderfully, but I think the same thing can be said about the reason why the viewer wants to hear the story of the actress.

When she was young, she once convinced her that "God is a star in India and God's picture is the same as bromide." She sometimes hears that Ukiyo-e is a bromide from the Edo period. At that time, she also thinks, "I still believe in God," or "I'm sorry because I didn't have a photo." When I think about it, not only can I be convinced, but I also feel a sense of superiority.

Science has been created by the desire to know. Humans may have an innate desire to "know", that is, "curiosity". However, it is natural that seeing, knowing, and understanding something differs from person to person, but the big difference is whether or not it comes from the "ego". The distinction between "self and non-self" is to ask "logic" itself. You will be asking the "self" itself. T cells and B cells are "self" and viruses are "non-self". Cancer cells are "non-self" that were once "self". But what about "resident viruses" and "enteric bacteria"? Mr. Tada says that the inside of the intestines and lungs is "outside." If you think of humans as sea cucumbers and chikuwa, the esophagus, stomach, and intestines are external. The question "self and non-self" is not only the question of "self and others" but also the question of "outside and inside".And in the end, it will be a "definition" rather than a "logic". It's just a question of "how", not "Why".

"For example, we could bring up the heliocentric theory about the setting of the sun and answer from the rotation of the earth, but that is not actually the answer of" why "." "We are answering. In fact, it is just an answer to the question "how". "" Separation of "why" and "how", shelving of "why", this was a requirement for the establishment of modern science. " (P.111-112) ("How to see nature now" by Jinzaburo Takagi) "Why" is philosophy It became a matter of theology.

I think that "digital" thinking is strong among people of the same age. If you don't wear "black and white", your feelings won't go away. It was important to "classify" into "correct / wrong", "justice / evil", "pleasant / unpleasant", etc. Therefore, the "0.1" world of computers was very calming. I didn't feel like studying philosophy, which I couldn't put on black and white.

Recently, I've been reading Plato little by little. When Socrates asks, "Is it white or black?", The other person says, "It's gray." Socrates then asks, "Is gray white or black?" The other party gets tired and runs away. But Socrates didn't really think that there was only white or black. Rather, he wanted him to strongly deny that. That's why he kept asking until he was removed from the police.

The digital society is the ultimate "black and white society". If you admit gray, the digital society will not be possible. But everyone knows. Gray, there are many different grays. And I think you have a feeling that there is no "pure white" or "pure black". Socrates's question continues. I think it's time to answer Socrates. I want to forgive Plato's sin.






