自閉症は津軽弁を話さない リターンズ コミュニケーションを育む情報の獲得・共有のメカニズム 松本敏治著 2020/06/20 福村出版

自閉症は津軽弁を話さない リターンズ コミュニケーションを育む情報の獲得・共有のメカニズム 松本敏治著 2020/06/20 福村出版







サカモト教授が言っていることから思いついたのですが(坂本龍一 第1回 「占い」について言いきる。養老孟司さんは読みたくない。)、「人間」ではなく、「識字人」は脳内のものを外化します。理解するというのは、外化したものを再度取り込もうという行為です。そもそも自分の外にあるものしか理解できないし、理解する必要もありません。「自分自身を理解する」という言葉がありますが、それは一度自分を外化(客体化、客観視)することと同じです。














こんな考えになったきっかけは友人に薦められた『「文」とは何か 愉しい日本語文法のはなし』を読んだときです。橋本氏は若者らしい自由な発想から文法を捉えています。でも、文法が言語を形作っているという考えから抜けることはできません。私もその考えすべてを否定するわけではありません。書き手と読み手、聞き手と話し手の間には「何かしら共通のもの」がなければ、それらは意味をなしません。それが何かは私にはまだわからないのですが、それを「ミーム」(ドーキンス。『リターンズ』P.127)と呼ぶこともできるかもしれません。社会的ルール・文化、あるいは言語そのものです。文法とは文字から造られたものなのに、それを実際のことばや文学に求めようとすると、そこに見つかるのは果てしない「例外」です。チョムスキーの文法論も構造主義の神話論も同じです。「〇〇族」と「〜(××族でも、聖書でも)」に同じ神話の構造があった、ということ。そしてその後はたくさんの「例外」に悩まされます。そして彼ら(橋本氏も含めて)はまた文字の文化に帰ってくるのです。そして例外をなんとか自分の理論に入れようとして理論が膨大・難解になっていきます。数学や物理学の世界でも同じです。一次関数より二次関数、二次関数より三次関数のほうが現実を表現するのに向いています。でも、私には二次関数になった時点でもう想像がつきません。ひも理論では11次元にすると理論化できるとか(いい加減に書きました(^_^;))。でも、それらもやはり文字文化がもたらしたものですね。文字文化で文字文化を表す、今説明しようとしているもので今説明しようとしているものを説明するわけです。素数の法則性が『危険なビーナス』の要素になっていましたが、素数そのものが文字文化が生み出したものです。自分が生んだものを自分で説明する、それは不可能ではありませんが、自己矛盾であることは間違いないですよね。ゲームとしては面白いけど。数学で数学を表す(あるいは論理学で数学を表す)「メタ数学」というものがありますが、難解です。ゲーデルの不完全性定理(『数学ガール』)は「ある条件を満たす形式的体系」は自己矛盾するというものですが、それ以降の数学はどうなっているのでしょうか。多分研究は深まっているのでしょうが、最終的には文字文化の壁にぶつかるのではないでしょうか。

コンピュータが「キーン」という音を出してきました。今すぐにでも壊れるかもしれません。でも、新しいパソコンを買うことはできないし、かといって壊れるときに備えてこまめにバックアップを取ることもできない私です(精神的なうつ状態、元々のズボラさ、物理的困難さ「情報過多 ーデジタル化とはなにかー」)。いま、Twitterのタグが「お知らせ」していたので、クリックしたら昨日見つけた「#ドスケベ条例」というハッシュタグで「SHELLYさんが性教育に力を入れる理由」という情報が入りました。Googleで検索するとYoutubeチャンネルを開設したとか。う〜ん、観たい。そして、考えたい。と思うのですが、時間がありません。読む本も溜まっています。考えて情報を処理する時間がありません。寿命が10年や20年増えたって到底処理できる情報量ではない。その情報の多さは、間違いなく「本の誕生」そして「印刷技術の発展」がもたらしたものです。そして「デジタル化」がそれを加速しました。情報社会は考える素材を大量に与える代わりに「考えること」そのものは阻害しています。そして、提供側の解釈を強制するのです(ibid.P140)。



先日、運転免許証の更新に行ってかなり時間が有ったので本屋さんに行きました。本を持っていくのを忘れたのです。「森七菜 ファースト写真集」。厚い。Amazonでは分かりませんでした。ちゃんと見ればページ数が載っているんですが、好きな子(人)の写真集を買うのにページ数を気にしますか?それに判型が小さい。これもAmazonでは気が付きませんでした。もちろん、写真集には大小がありますが、大体写真集ならこのくらいの大きさだ、という先入観がありました。やっぱり実物を見るのは違いますね(中身は見れないですが)。で、この写真集はきっとたくさん売れるので、すぐに中古が安く出るだろうと思って買いませんでした(いつ安くなるのかは分かりませんが)。結局、目についた新書を買ってしまったのですが、結局読んでいません。いろいろな本を見ていて時間が失くなってしまったのでした(笑)。




テーマは「Love and Peace」(John Lennon)。この本も単なる学術研究ではなく、著者の愛が形をとったものです。文字文化の中で育った私達は文字文化から逃れることはとても困難です。でも、文字文化が差別や戦争を起こしていることは明らかです。だからこそ、文字を使って文字文化を否定することが必要なのです。私は個人的には自然のなかに逃げることも可能かもしれません。でも、文字文化の思考方法は捨てることができません。何よりも人には伝わらないのです。誰でも世界中の人の協力があって衣食住を満たすことができています。自然に逃げてもそれは変わりません。だから「Love and Peace」なのです。(NHKの「“イマジン” は生きている ジョンとヨーコからのメッセージ」を観たばかりです。(笑))


Preface I write research after the release. There are also references to deepening the preamble, voices to the preamble and research. And a new question, "Autism has also come to speak a dialect."

I can't summarize the contents of this book because the sticky notes have become huge (^ _ ^;). It's a book with that much content. It was interesting.

I don't think there is a clear answer to the new question. I think that there are many other descriptions that are not clear statements such as "maybe" or "guessed". "Maybe" it was too early to make a book.

The story of "absolute pitch" is very interesting. A person with ASD said, "It may be difficult to acquire the surrounding words (dialects) in order to continue to capture the human voice with absolute pitch." (P.167) I have no perfect pitch and " You can't even say "Doremi (floor name)". It's "La La La La" (laughs).

A "Good morning"
B "Please say slowly"
A "Oh, ha, yo, u"

This means that A is a literate person (a person who grew up in a character culture). Making syllables is an influence of character culture. If it's just syllables, is it "Oh ha yo"? "Oh ha yo u" means that the words are reinterpreted in letters.

What percentage of the "spoken language" written in the novel is actually pronounced? I think there are quite a few. "I can't hear you. I didn't say it" (CM of a prep school). You can find out by recording the conversation and transcribing it into phonetic symbols. Computer analysis will be required. Sounds (words) are connected and have meaning. I'm sure you won't understand even if you take out only the words. I think that "meaning" occurs depending on the connection of sounds, intonation, strength, and the situation in which the sound is emitted. One such "cohesion" is the word. Can oral traditions (those who grew up in an environment without letters) speak "slowly"? Can you understand the words you speak slowly? When I asked the oral tradition about the music on the recorded CD, he said, "It's not music." It may be that music is also meaningful depending on the situation, or that the sound of the CD is digital (lack of concreteness), so I did not understand it. On the contrary, it may be possible for a literate person to speak fast and play twice. Of course, "speed reading" is so (laughs).

I came up with what Professor Sakamoto said ( Ryuichi Sakamoto 1st talk about "fortune-telling" . Takeshi Yoro I don't want to read.), "Literacy", not "human", externalizes what is in the brain. Understanding is the act of reintroducing what has been externalized. In the first place, you can only understand what is outside you, and you don't have to. There is a word "understand oneself", which is the same as once externalizing oneself (objectification, objective view).

I like Go. I'm not good at all, but ...


Half a month has passed since I finished reading. I gave up writing my impressions. I noticed that. What?

For the time being,

"Pan-character declaration"

Crackling crackling 8888888

what is that?

Simply put

" All the causes are in the letters ".

The question "what is existence" was wrong, or the real question is

"How can the question" what is existence "be possible?"

That is. The answer is simple. "Because we have an objective view of'existence'." A book (character) is a spatialization, objectivity, presentization, and visualization of thoughts (voices). Character culture (literacy) thinks as characters. The idea of ​​"what is existence" is a typical example. The question has always been there since humanity had the letters. However, no one who can write can think that the question itself is caused by "writing" (some philosophers may have thought of it). Writing the result by the cause has to go round and round ("cause"-> "effect", causality theory. This is the thought of the character culture itself).

In this book and the preamble, Mr. Matsumoto touches on the relationship between language acquisition of ASD people and television and video. If we know that television and video are "text culture," that logic will deepen.

The reason why I came up with this idea was that my friend recommended " What is" sentence "? Fun Japanese It was when I read "The Story of Grammar ". Mr. Hashimoto captures grammar from free ideas like young people. But we can't get rid of the idea that grammar shapes the language. I don't deny all that idea either. Without "something in common" between the writer and the reader, and between the listener and the speaker, they make no sense. I still don't know what it is, but I could call it a "meme" (Dawkins, "Returns" p. 127). Social rules / culture, or the language itself. Grammar is made up of letters, but when you try to find it in actual language or literature, you will find endless "exceptions". Chomsky's grammatical theory and structuralist mythology are the same. It means that "○○ tribe" and "~ (in the XX tribe and the Bible)" had the same mythical structure. And after that, I suffer from many "exceptions". And they (including Mr. Hashimoto) will return to the culture of letters again. And the theory becomes enormous and esoteric trying to put exceptions into my theory. The same is true in the world of mathematics and physics. Quadratic functions are better than linear functions, and cubic functions are better at expressing reality than quadratic functions. But I can't imagine it when it becomes a quadratic function. In string theory, it can be theorized by making it 11 dimensions (I wrote it loosely (^ _ ^;)). But those are also the result of character culture. I will explain what I am trying to explain and what I am trying to explain, which expresses character culture in character culture. The law of prime numbers was an element of " Dangerous Venus ", The prime numbers themselves are the product of character culture. It's not impossible to explain what you've created yourself, but it's definitely a self-contradiction. It's interesting as a game. There is "meta-mathematics" that expresses mathematics in mathematics (or expresses mathematics in logic), but it is difficult. Godel's incompleteness theorem (" Math Girl ") states that "a form that satisfies certain conditions" The "formal system" is self-contradictory, but what about mathematics after that? Perhaps research is deepening, but in the end it will hit the wall of character culture.

The computer makes a "keen" sound. It may break right now. But I can't buy a new computer, and I can't take frequent backups in case it breaks (mental depression, original stubbornness, physical difficulty " Excessive information-What is digitization? "). Now, the Twitter tag was "Notice", so when I clicked on it, the hashtag "#Dirty Ordinance" I found yesterday contained information "Why SHELLY is focusing on sex education." When I searched on Google, I heard that a Youtube channel was opened. Well, I want to see it. And I want to think. I think, but I don't have time. There are also books to read. I don't have time to think and process the information. Even if the life span is increased by 10 or 20 years, the amount of information that can be processed is not enough. The amount of information is undoubtedly the result of the "birth of books" and the "development of printing technology." And "digitization" accelerated it. Instead of giving a large amount of material to think about, the information society hinders "thinking" itself. And it forces the provider's interpretation (ibid.P140).

Moreover, the information is two-dimensional, and a lot of information is abstracted. Even so, the amount of information is enormous, so information is further restricted by indexes and subtitles, and "places to understand" and "scenes to laugh" are forced. They are by no means for the hearing impaired. Perhaps the hearing impaired will not know anything from the subtitles (telops). The effect of limiting and re-presenting is outstanding. I'm also drawn to subtitles and laugh, and when I can't hear them, I look for subtitles instead of looking at my mouth (^ _ ^;). Characters have far less information than video. Still, it is "information overload."

So what should I do to think about it? Is it to limit the information that comes in first? Even this is very difficult. The body wants new "dramas," "movies," "books," and "games." Discard the accumulated information. Throw away the books and the hard disk. This is also difficult. I feel like I'm losing some of myself (body, memory, experience?). Maybe it doesn't make sense. The incoming information will surely be accumulated again.

The other day, I went to a bookstore because I had a lot of time to renew my driver's license. I forgot to bring a book. "Nana Mori First Photobook". thick. I didn't understand it on Amazon. If you look at it properly, the number of pages is listed, but do you care about the number of pages when you buy a photo book of your favorite child (person)? Besides, the format is small. This was also not noticed on Amazon. Of course, there are large and small photobooks, but there was a prejudice that photobooks are about this size. After all it is different to see the real thing (although you can not see the contents). So, I'm sure this photobook will sell a lot, so I didn't buy it because I thought it would be cheaper soon (I don't know when it will be cheaper). In the end, I bought a new book that I noticed, but I haven't read it. I was running out of time looking at various books (laughs).

I don't have enough time. Take good care of your time. The time is money. Capital removes the limitation of natural time and always tries to circulate quickly. However, I think there was a feeling of "no time" along with the character culture. It is sometimes said that time flows equally to everyone. Spend time that suits you, and spend time with processable thinking (enjoyable) information. Get information as a whole, not abstract information. I'm sure it's more important to spend time in nature than to read a book or watch TV.

I don't want to study autism, and I don't feel the need for it. However, the language acquisition of ASD strongly stimulated my way of thinking.I would also like to know the language and understanding of APD and dyslexia.

Although I made a "declaration", the flesh is still insufficient. It seems like I have less time left (!) And I'm not good enough. I want you to use your power.

The theme is "Love and Peace" (John Lennon). This book is not just an academic study, but a form of the author's love. Growing up in a character culture, it is very difficult for us to escape from the character culture. But it is clear that the character culture is causing discrimination and war. That is why it is necessary to use letters to deny letter culture. I personally may be able to escape into nature. However, the way of thinking of character culture cannot be abandoned. Above all, it is not transmitted to people. Everyone is able to satisfy food, clothing and shelter with the cooperation of people from all over the world. It doesn't change even if you run away naturally. That is why it is "Love and Peace". (I just watched NHK's "" Imagine "is a message from his living John and Yoko" (laughs))







LD(学習障害)とディスレクシア(読み書き障害)-子供たちの「学び」と「個性」- (講談社+α新書)

自閉症は津軽弁を話さない リターンズ コミュニケーションを育む情報の獲得・共有のメカニズム 松本敏治著 2020/06/20 福村出版 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4571420764 ]

