日本語と論理 哲学者、その謎に挑む 飯田隆著 2019/09/10 NHK出版新書












































『カール・セーガン 科学と悪霊を語る』。では、不可知論しかないのかということに関しては、この本の感想で書く予定です。


























-[2] -Read up to page 190. One-third left. I wonder what I should do.

I recommended it to a friend and started reading it together, but I want to give up. Let's talk.

For the time being, what are your thoughts so far? I wrote so far, but I ended up reading it. Chapter 5 from P.227 is very interesting. It's a generic sentence. I was about to give up. Was good~

Generic sentences are easily abused

What is a generic sentence?

"The crow is black"

Sentence like this. The author says that just because there are white crows, this sentence is not wrong ("fake"). The generic sentence is "to allow exceptions". For example

"Mosquitoes carry dengue fever"

The sentenceis correct no matter how few mosquitoes carry dengue.

"All crows are black" "All mosquitoes carry dengue fever"

The sentence(universal) is incorrect. Logic has not explained the difference until now, or it seems that there is still no solid theory.

It is said that a generic sentence such as "Women wear skirts" can even be a tool for harassment (P.238). "Is it because there is no truth in general? If there is a truth in the generic sentences about natural species such as" crow "and" penguins ", why are" Japanese "and" rich "? , Is there any truth in the generic sentence about social species such as "female"? "(same)

Although the author doesn't mention it, the biggest social thing right now is "commodity", isn't it? How many generic sentences are used in commercials? There are quite a few suspicious commercials. If you read the commercial from the perspective of "generic text", you will discover something new.

"Wide show" seems to be interesting.

Attempts to apply Japanese to Western logic

An attempt to relate to cultural commonality, translatability, and human (thinking) essence. It can be said to be an attempt to consider the possibility of cross-cultural exchange.

It's an important attempt, but I feel something different. Occasionally the word "natural language" comes up, but in the end the author only writes "letter (written language) and logic". Letters come from words, but words do not come from letters. Similarly, logic comes from words, but words do not come from logic.

I think that the author refers to "written language" and "spoken language" as "language of logic" and "natural language". On that basis, he declares the "common sense of logic" that "there is no illogical language among the languages ​​that people use every day, only the illogical use of the language." For the author, logic is the same "common way of thinking" as "mathematics" and "science".

Just as there is no such thing as "Western mathematics", there is no such thing as "Western logic".

I will not touch on what "Western" means. See On the Non-Western Origins of Democracy (David Graeber).

Who comes to mind with the word "philosopher"? Maybe many people think of "Aristotle" or "Platon". Half a century ago, you might have been asked, "Is it Indian philosophy?" At that time, it was said that going to "Insetsu" was a "strange guy", but it was also a department I admired (I thought it wasn't practical at all). It was an era symbolized by economic growth, the Vietnam War, and the Apollo program, and the flower children and student movements intensified. Under such circumstances, it was also the time when the West began to self-criticize in new science (such as "Tao Nature Studies") and postmodernism (such as Derrida).

Assumption that "Western logic is correct"

The author deals with Western logic. I don't know because I haven't studied, but I think India had Indian logic (study), China had Chinese logic (study), and Japan had Japanese logic (study). As far as Western logic is dealt with, "Western dominance" is unwavering. "Japanese logic" is only "one local".

It is the same as treating "women (humans)" from a male perspective and looking at "developing countries" from a "developed country" perspective. "Women must be protected because they are weak," "because they are ignorant, they must be enlightened," and "development assistance must be provided." Not to mention what that results.

What does it mean to "compare"? There are "big / small", "many / few", "strong / weak", and so on. Therefore, there is no difference in comparison itself. "It's better to be bigger than smaller" "It's better to be more than less" "It's better to be stronger than weak" ... It contains "value judgment". Counting is neutral, but comparisons can be value-judging.

Many, big, fast, high, distant advantages. It's the Olympics. It is very symbolic that the Olympic Games began in Athens (Ancient Greece), where philosophy and logic were formed.

Inferiority complex in Japanese (Japan). I am short among Japanese people, and I am atrophied in front of tall Westerners. I am impressed with the English-speaking American children as "Wow (I envy)" in the foreign language complex. The inside out is "Japan's supreme principle" (Hitler seems to have been short). I think both are strange. It's a trap of how to set the reference point and "comparison".

Discussion (logic)

Logic is a term derived from the classical Greek logos "λόγος". If you look at "Logos" on Wikipedia, you will find a huge amount of Japanese. (Not quoted). The Bible's "words at the beginning" is also "logos" (the Bible was written in Greek).

Simply put, "logos" means words, logic, reason, and truth. And I think that the main book is "words". I think it has been converted (diverted) into "logic" and "reason."

Isn't it logic to logos (words) with logos (logic) that came out of logos (words)?

What should not be mistaken here is that the logic came out of the words, not the words. This is the same as the grammar was considered from the language, not the language from the grammar.

At the same time, the logic must be taken into account as "written" from the beginning. Therefore, it is not possible to "prove (logos)" that "words did not come out of logic" and "language is not made of grammar". Then, the idea that "there should be a human way of thinking that is the basis of grammar" and "there should be a human way of thinking that is the basis of logic (or reason)" arises. It is supposed that "things that make existence exist" and "things that give concreteness to concrete things", that is, "ideas" or "gods", apart from "concrete individuals that can be perceived sensuously". connect.

I think that the confusion and misunderstanding of logic and words are hidden behind the thought (logic) that "God did not create humans. Humans created God."

Is Japanese illogical?

The motivation for reading this book was because I wanted to confirm the conventional wisdom that "Japanese is good at expressing emotional, but it's not logical." Unfortunately, this book did not answer that question directly.

Japan is said to be a translation powerhouse. No country has such a widespread translation. Thanks to that, I am not good at foreign languages ​​(I can't do it at all), but I manage to live only in Japanese.

I wrote a little about the difficulty (impossible) of translation before ("Her name is ”). However, there is a "translation" regardless of whether it is a "name translation", a "mistranslation", or a "translator's creation". However, this does not mean that human beings can have the same logic even if they speak different languages.

I often see the word "empathy" these days. It's "awesome" and "understandable". People are happy if they can sympathize with us, and we want them to sympathize with us because we think that sympathy is possible. There is also a mirror neuron theory that physically explains it. However, I don't know if they really understood or sympathized with me just because they said "Wow" or "I understand".

Some people love pets like their own children. I like cats, so I think "cats are cute, aren't they?" Some people talk to plants. I think it's a little dangerous. When it is said that insects do not feel pain, I think "Is that so?" Insects appear to be running away so that they are not crushed.

There was a newspaper column the other day saying, "Only humans have empathy. Only humans can kill each other in the same kind." This is not a generic sentence. So this sentence is "false" if another species with empathy is discovered. But that wouldn't be possible. It is typical of sentences that cannot be demonstrated. The latter is "fake" because species of the same species that kill each other have been found.

The former impossibility is that "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

"Carl Sagan Talks about Science and Evil Spirits". Then, I will write about whether there is only agnosticism in the impression of this book.

But it's lonely that I can't understand (that means I can't understand the other person), so at this point, I said, "I and you have different ways of thinking and feeling, but the same. There are many things. " I think that Japanese people (people whose mother tongue is Japanese) and foreigners (people whose mother tongue is other than Japanese) have different ways of thinking and feeling. On the contrary, I think that people who speak Kansai dialect and people who speak Tsugaru dialect are different. I think cats have different ways of thinking and feeling. However, I think it is closer to humans than the way of thinking and feeling of insects. It can be said that plants have a way of feeling plants and have a way of thinking based on them. How about stones? Well, I don't know. However, stones, plants, animals, and human beings are related to each other. The existence of one presupposes the existence of the other, but the absence of the other does not lead to the absence of the other. (Sweat)

Chaos theory, butterfly effect, uncertainty principle ...

Maybe, I think that such an idea is a last-minute idea as long as I have "I (subject, ego)". It cannot be proved. It cannot be destroyed. However, I think there is a possibility of overcoming the "walls of self and others" and "the boundary between the subject and the object". The first step is "overcoming logic by logic". I want to read this book so.

Logic and characters

One of the things not written in this book is the relationship between letters and logic. It may be said that "there is logic without letters", but I place more importance on "the relationship between letters and logic" than "the relationship between words and logic". I think that logic has a close connection with "the act of writing," that is, "characters." In this book, there are many words such as "In some situations, some people may interpret this." I read it thinking "I see", but why can the text be interpreted in various ways? Spoken language also has "ambiguity", but the ambiguity of written language is possessed by the characters themselves. The act of "writing" is to abandon the situation. It is to abandon time, space, concreteness, and individuality. It doesn't matter if the character is a phonetic or ideographic character. Suffice it to say, it's like an empty vessel. No matter how much you analyze the vessel, you cannot find out the contents. You can predict what's inside, but you can't tell if it's correct without opening the lid.

The same can be said for grammar theory. You can find a certain law (structure). But when you apply it to natural language, you get endless "exceptions."

What I would like to ask the author is not whether Japanese is logical, but whether the "language of logic" holds, and in the end, what is the subject of "logic"? To make it clear (maybe already written). The incompleteness theorem clarified the subject of mathematics. Godel proved imperfections in a "formal system that meets certain conditions". Similar imperfections may be found in the "Language System of Logic".

At that time, you will be able to see the outline of "what is a word", and I think you will understand the meaning of "Esperanto" and "Tower of Babel".


"It is one of the common senses in logic that there is a close relationship between the kind of quantification like (...) and the conjunction, but in the case of Japanese, it is two. It may be good to be proud that it exists in a visible form as a relationship between kinds of "mo". (P.187)

"It is now common sense that" women "are also a social species. (P.236)

"Even if the scope of quantification is explicitly specified, when it is remembered or communicated to others, those limitations tend to drop out. . ”(P.240)

"(...) The generality expressed by the generic sentence is characterized by not being merely accidental and not based on any law. Natural species or substances. The generic statement about is an expression of the "essence" -based law of such species and substances. (LF) The biggest reason to think that generic sentences about social species such as "Japanese", "rich", and "female" are socially problematic is that such sentences are "essence" for these social species as generic sentences. It is in the place to make you think that there is (FF). Such "essence" may or may not exist, but at least it is certain that no effort has been made throughout history to explore the "essence" of matter or natural species. Is. (P.242-243) __Does God exist? Why did the quest for natural species and the quest for social species separate?

"There is no illogical language in the language that people use every day, only illogical use of the language." (P.273)





なぜ「多くのこども」と「こどもの多く」は違う意味になるのか? なぜケーキを三個「食べてよい」は「以上」で、「食べなくてはならない」は「以下」を意味するのか? 「三人の男」ではなく「三冊の男」で意味が通じる理由は? オスは卵を産めないのに「ペンギンは卵を産む」と言えるのはなぜか?ありふれた日常の表現に潜む奥深い「謎」に、言語哲学の大家が満を持して挑む。通巻600号にふさわしい前代未聞の一冊!

第1章 「こどもが笑った」
第2章 「三人のこどもが笑った」
第3章 「大部分のこどもが笑った」
第4章 「どのこどもも笑った」
第5章 「こどもはよく笑う」全称文と総称文
付録 様相的文脈の中の「三人のこども」

[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4140886007 ]

