サンスクリット ピエール=シルヴァン・フィリオザ(Pierre‐Sylvain Filliozat)著 竹内信夫訳 2006/06/10 白水社(文庫クセジュ)

サンスクリット ピエール=シルヴァン・フィリオザ( Pierre‐Sylvain Filliozat)著 竹内信夫訳 2006/06/10 白水社(文庫クセジュ)
























































I thought Sanskrit was a "made" word for scholarship (Buddhism?) (I thought it was like Esperanto). But recently, I felt that it was being talked about, so I read it.

This book is not a Sanskrit grammar book. It is a book close to a "philosophy book" that approaches "language" and "culture" or human "thinking" itself through the history and literature of Sanskrit.

"& lt; a href = & quot; https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4475018803/?tag=charmedias-22" target = & quot; _blank & quot; & gt; Sanskrit Grammar-Ancient Indian Promenade I borrowed "& lt; / a & gt;" (written by Yutaka Yuda) from the library, but this is an almost pure grammar book.

It seems that there used to be people who used Sanskrit as their "mother tongue" (according to the Wiki, it's still there or not). And it seems that it was quite late that "Sanskrit" was originally a character that was established as a description of Sanskrit.


In Europe, Latin was like an "official language" until recently. Books (academic books) were written in Latin, and the minimum requirement for "academic" learners was to be able to "read and write Latin". In Japan, the minimum requirement was to be able to read and write Chinese texts.

Latin is the basic language of Italian, but it seems to be quite different from the current Italian ("What is the difference between Greek and modern Greek? /detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1243651967) ").

Classical Greek was a common language in the Mediterranean region at the time, but it seems that it was originally a regional language near Athens. But at that time it was the official language from Italy to Greece, the Middle East and Egypt. The Bible was also written in classical Greek.

Is English (or rather "American") the "common language" (standard) now? I don't know if it will give America an edge, but what is strongly done in the colonies is to impose the words of the suzerain.

Words and letters

It seems that you teach English in elementary school now, but how do you teach it? Do you show a picture of an apple and teach it "appo"? Or do you teach "Hello Hello"? It's difficult, isn't it? Children may be happy to say "Hello! How are you!" And Grandpa will be impressed with "Wow!". It's not Mr. Masahiko Fujiwara ("Dignity of the Nation"), but depending on the situation, "Hello" or "Genki" It may be more important to say "?".

In the first place, when you say "Hello" or "Hello", it is "voice". And that is to express something "feelings" or "thoughts". At that time, do you think in "words" in your head? If so, in what language do you think? I think "think in your mother tongue", is that so?

I'm not good at English, so when I try to think in English, I feel like I've become a small child. I studied with junior high school and high school for 6 years, but I think my English ability is less than 3 years old.

When you look at a cake and think "it looks delicious" or "wants to eat", do you think "in words" in your heart like a drama? Probably not. When I think "it looks delicious" or "I want to eat", I don't need Japanese or words.

For example, when a child points to a cake, he thinks, "Oh, I want to eat the cake." I don't need words. All you have to do is point.

In today's world, what do you think when a child points to someone who is not wearing a mask? Don't you think, "Oh, I'm not masking. I can't." However, it is the adults who think so, not the children, who think "I can't do it". Because I think I'm "bad" or "must be said to be bad," I think so when pointing at my child.

What is a word? There is something "what you think" and "what you want to convey", and make it into words (or letters) according to "vocabulary (words)" and "grammar (rules)". Recipients tend to think that the word (or letter) is "interpreted" and "understood (understood)" according to the rules, but it seems that it is not so easy.

Intellectuals who use Sanskrit ("Pandhita") seem to have thought about such things. The "mystery" of words becomes "sacredness" and becomes God (Brahman). And the mechanism and grammar are the very origin of the world.

When you become aware of grammar, you think that you speak according to grammar. There is "what I want to convey / thought", not words, but first there is a "structure" of grammar = structuralism, but there is something similar to formal logic (or mathematics). .. I feel that it is better to say "words created humans" rather than "humans created words". It seems to be the opposite of the relationship between "human beings created God" and "God created humans". Even though the word is the same as God in "there is a word in the beginning".

Words are bound by the grammar derived from them. It is very similar to the structure in which a virus or bacterium is derived as the cause of a disease, but the disease is detected because the virus is detected.


Sanskrit culture is not centered around books (letters). It is a culture of human memory (not records). This is in sharp contrast to Western culture, isn't it?

No record means no history. The lack of history does not mean "beginning / end", "development", or "evolution".

Panddhita seems to be a legitimate folklore, an interpreter, and no claim to innovation. It is also different from Western culture (or Chinese culture), but neither Socrates nor Laozi nor Confucius have written. Isn't it "not written" rather than "not transmitted"? Neither Shakyamuni nor Jesus Christ left a work. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, so I don't know the truth, but it is their disciples who left the work.

In order for a character to be established (established), it is necessary to move away from reality (concrete). In order to establish "I", it is necessary to "separate me", "separate from me", that is, "objectify". The word itself is an abstraction (generalization) action, but it is inseparable from the concrete existence of the speaker both temporally and spatially. But the letters are different. It is established by being separated from the writer both temporally and spatially. By being separated, an individual (individuality) called "writer" is established, and an individual (individuality) called "reader" is established.

At the same time as a book is made, "record" exceeds "memory". No matter how good your memory is, you can't beat 10,000 or 100 million books.

I forget about a minute ago recently, so I try to take notes as much as possible. Well, even if you forget it, 99.99 ...% is not necessary.

I don't know how many books are needed to describe one "apple". There are books about "love" in all ages, but there is no book that says "love". And I will continue to write.


Olympic broadcasts often announce "absolute champion China" or "Japanese specialty". However, players from 20 or 30 years ago will not continue to participate. The players who participated in this tournament were also born by saying "Ogya", and they practiced and became stronger. And I will definitely retire. Then another player will appear.

The language is the same. Religion and thought do not mean that Buddha and Aristotle will live forever. It is always reproduced. In reproduction, the "same thing" is not always produced. "Yesterday's me" and "Today's me" are different (so what you make is also different). There is nothing that transcends the time (space) of "self-identity." Assuming it as if it were, that is the premise of the character, and what the character brought about.

Pandhita tries to remain an "annotator" and hides his personality, perhaps because he knows it. "Orthodox philologists are completely different from modern philologists. What modern philologists were about the meaning of ancient literature in the consciousness of its original author, the intellectuals of that era. I will try to consider it from the perspective of how it was in the environment, and I will endeavor not to intervene in my own interpretation. ”(P.119)


Well, how about it? In modern times, there is a profession called "critic (critic or commentator)". I had the feeling that the painter collapse became a critic of the painting, and the novelist collapse became a critic. If you have time like that, draw a picture, write a novel. Readers even thought it was better to read the novel, to see the picture, and to waste paper.

But now it's different. Novelists do not create works by themselves. I don't make all the Japanese, letters, and manuscript paper myself, and it's not just my own result that I grew up to be able to write novels.

And above all, the work is made up of leaving the author's hands, so the author's intention is not 100% expressed, and more than the author's intention is expressed. There is. It is the writer as well as the reader who makes the work meaningful. Readers and viewers are also creators. In fact, the distinction between "producer" and "viewer" is meaningless.

Is the child pointing to the "expressor" and the parent the "receptor"? I think it's different.

Isn't the author of this book interpreting Sanskrit "as an object" as the subject of himself from the present day?

Do not distinguish (conflict) between "present" and "past". Do not distinguish (conflict) between "subject" and "object". I thought Sanskrit had that hint.

I enjoyed reading it very much.


"Sanskrit is often said to have been fixed in the days of Panini, and it is said that it was due to a grammarist named Panini. Also, Sanskrit became a dead language according to Panini's grammar book. In fact, what Panini did was to give Sanskrit users a clear awareness of the structure that produces Sanskrit words and sentences (FF). Using a language without grammatical awareness is not the same as using it consciously of how it is generated. By having a clearly defined linguistic awareness, the speaker is self-sufficient. You will be able to control your language behavior. ”(P.38-39)

"Some teachers are proud not to use books. At least, in principle, they do not use books to teach Vedic. There is a saying to mock the knowledge in books." -Knowledge in books is the same as money in someone else's pocket. You can't use it when you need it. (LF) That doesn't mean that books aren't used. Pandits make good use of their memories. However, we do not ignore the utility of books, because books help to expand human memory. ”(P.91)

"A good man must learn from others without jealousy, because the world is a teacher for the intelligent and an enemy for the non-intelligent." (P.112)

"The idea of ​​written expression and readable communication is absent. Sanskrit's Kavya is not the art of written letters, but the art of vocal language." (P.138)

"But he rather tries to hide his innovation and uniqueness." "Individuality disappears before his duty [Dharma]." (P.120)


"Common language"


Standard / General purpose / Normal

I don't know the boundaries, whether it's a woman or this society.

Is it amazing because I am blind, or is it forgiven because I am blind?




[ ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-4560509012 ]

