民主主義とはなにか 宇野重規著 2020/10/20 講談社現代新書

民主主義とはなにか 宇野重規著 2020/10/20 講談社現代新書


序 民主主義の危機


第一章 民主主義の誕生

古代ギリシャについては橋場弦『民主主義の源流 古代アテネの実験』(2016年、講談社学術文庫)をとりあげています。「具体的には、寡頭派市民と和解し、報復の連鎖を断ったこと、民会や民衆裁判所で議論を行い、あらためて民主主義の原則の維持を確認したこと、さらには法(ノモス)の地位を高めるべく、通常の民会の決議と法を明確に区別したことが挙げられます。」(宇野、P.77)

第二章 ヨーロッパへの「継承」


第三章 自由主義との「結合」


第四章 民主主義の「実現」


第五章 日本の民主主義


結び 民主主義の未来






Don't end with one word.
You can get an overview of the history of democracy and the history of democracy's thought in this one book. (Of course, it's written in the author's mind, so it's not correct.)
I realized again that I hadn't read a book at all. But books aren't quantities, they're encounters. If you can meet a good book at a good time, that is the best. The amount doesn't really matter. Of course, if you read the amount, you will have a higher chance of encountering a book, but since there are hundreds of millions and trillions of books, it can be said that 10 or 100 books are not so relevant.
First, the author raises three questions in "Introduction". A, B, and C are made up of two contradictory sentences. It's about the definition of democracy. The answer is the last chapter.

Introduction to the crisis of democracy

"Four crises of democracy" can be mentioned. "The rise of populism," "increasing dictatorship," "impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution," "corona crisis and democracy." Each is also summarized in the last chapter.
The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" seems to be AI. "For democracy, it is serious that the premise that each person is regarded as an equal judge is shaken." (P.30) How this premise was made is not explained here. .. "The mechanism of the algorithm gives people priority to the information they want." (Same as above) Is the information really what each individual wants? You can understand why the information is sent. That's because you want to sell that product. And even if you buy a product according to that information (called an advertisement), most of it would not have been bought without that information. Even if you don't buy it, do you often "know" that "Oh, I wanted this product" when you receive the information? It's natural to see a supermarket leaflet and want to eat this, and every time I see a beer commercial, I want to drink beer (laughs). But is that really my desire? Whose desire is it really? [1]
Once a desire (awareness?) Occurs, it often remains as "dissatisfaction" until it is satisfied. Even if I forget it, I feel that it will accumulate somewhere in my heart (subconscious?). We live in "chronic (and bloated) dissatisfaction." The more things you have, the more dissatisfied and deficient you will be. [2]

Chapter 1 Birth of Democracy

Democracy in ancient Greece.
As for ancient Greece, Yuzuru Hashiba's "The Source of Democracy: Experiments in Ancient Athens" (2016, Kodansha Academic Bunko) is taken up. "Specifically, we reconciled with oligarchy citizens, broke the chain of retaliation, held discussions in the private assembly and the people's courts, and reconfirmed the maintenance of the principles of democracy. In order to raise the status, there is a clear distinction between the resolutions of ordinary private assembly and the law. ”(Uno, p.77)
For the first time, I learned that "Commonwealth" is a "republic," "Commonwealth of Nations," and "American state." I simply thought it was "public wealth." "Wealse" is the Greek word for "wealth, essence, reality (& quot; οὺσια"), or usefulness / profit (& quot; ὼφελια & quot;), good (& quot; ἀγαθός & quot;), isn't it?

Chapter 2 "Inheritance" to Europe

I read that democracy was not inherited, but was "regenerated" in Europe.
"In a feudal society, kingship existed, but substantive power was divided among feudal lords scattered around. Each lord had his own military power, judiciary, and maintenance of order. The lords were obliged to serve the king and were asked to contribute, such as leading their own army during the war. However, most of the king's income during normal times came from his own land. Of course, it is impossible to have a large standing army or bureaucracy. "(P.90)
In "UK in the 18th century", parliamentary sovereignty was established and the parliamentary cabinet system began. On top of that, the right to vote expanded after the nineteenth century, and the political participation of workers expanded. Parliamentary sovereignty It can be said that the British way was to establish it first and then expand the scope of political participation. ”(P.94)
"In France, centralization weakens the aristocrats' ties to the land. It was the bureaucrats dispatched by the king who took charge of the administration. As a result, the aristocrats became the influential people of the region. Despite losing their role, the aristocrats continued to enjoy their privileges, which led to the hatred of the commoners. Unlike Britain, the aristocrats and landlords, the middle class and the farmers were in solidarity. That's why I didn't do it. ”(P.95)
"People who are completely enslaved do not even feel dissatisfied with their enslavement. Rather, those who realize that they are also humans are dissatisfied with the inequality that remains. Tocqueville understood this as a trend of equalization, based on his experience in the United States. Tocqueville broke out as a revolution because the trend of equalization was not given an appropriate political framework in France. I thought I did it. ”(P.117) I don't know if“ completely ... ”is the author's idea or Tocqueville's idea, but it's subtle.

Chapter 3 "Union" with Liberalism

"One of the points that separates ancient democracy from modern democracy is the approval of political parties. In contrast to ancient democracy, which disliked factions, modern democracy rather considers political parties as one of its essences. I accepted it. "(P.133) I can't convey my intentions well.
"In fact, in the wrestlers that followed, the power of executive power continued to expand, and in the 20th century, the administrative nations in which the nation tackles a wide range of social issues will accelerate."
"Rousseau strictly distinguishes between sovereignty and government. The people who are sovereigns make the law on the basis of general will, but it is the role of the government to enforce it on individual objects. But doing it yourself tends to lead to abuse of power. "Rousseau hasn't read it properly, but it's important.
"Tocqueville always looks at both sides of things. Certainly, there is no authority to force people to think or value, but that also means that there are no standards of thought for people. I will do it. ”(P.150)
"People tend to fall into loneliness unless they re-establish their relationships with others. Over time, many individuals will be trapped in the narrow world of themselves and their surroundings. Tocqueville calls this" individualism. " I called. (P.151)
"Tocqueville further points out that in a" democracy "society, people's interests tend to be focused on" now and here. " There used to be a time when the tradition of the house had a heavy meaning to people. In such an era, people naturally captured themselves over a long period of time. On the other hand, when they are separated from the tradition of the house, people will be able to grasp their life in a shorter period of time. Eventually, people's interests will focus on "now and here." (P.152) That's a sharp point. I would like to think that momentaryism is caused by democracy, which is separated from tradition.

Chapter 4 "Realization" of democracy

"Weber was aware of the fact that popular democracy was achieved by expanding the right to vote, but as a result, political parties became more bureaucratic and politicians became professionals." It was centered around the influential people in the region, called bureaucrats, whereas now the right to vote has expanded and a national political party organization is essential to win the election. And the number of people in charge of party affairs will increase. In the era of popular democracy, political parties had to become bureaucrats as well. ”(P.182)
"As the welfare state progressed, the role of administrative authority actually expanded, and rather the influence of political leaders such as the president and the prime minister expanded. (LF) Given this situation, It was the post-WWII democracy theory that tried to restore the dangerous balance between liberalism and democracy. One example is the adoption of unconstitutional jurisdiction in many countries. On the premise of such a constitutional framework, the common intention was to stabilize the multi-party system and institutionalize the executive branch. It became the keyword of the "stability" era. "(P.191) But 100%" stability, safety, and security "is impossible, isn't it? There is no cut. Because there are always uncertainties. However, there is a limit to the opposite "anxiety / danger". For individuals, it is "death," and for political parties, it is "dissolution / disappearance."
"The two major conservative and social democratic parties that represented the capitalist / wealthy class and the working class have been trying to adjust their mutual interests on the premise of a compromise over the welfare state, but the financial situation has deteriorated. Above all, the downfall of the middle class, which has been considered to support democracy since Aristotelis, has led to political polarization and made it more difficult to manage democracy (LF). , The "common sense" that free democracy and market economy will support each other and develop will be shaken. (P.207)

Chapter 5 Japan's Democracy

I have no idea what I want to say. I'm talking about the West, but are there various obstacles to writing about Japan? It's an "adult situation". Also, even if I write in detail until modern times, is it "adult circumstances" that the author's words lose power when writing about modern times, especially after the war?

Conclusion: The future of democracy

This should be the main topic. “I must also point out that democracy is still in the process of being institutionalized.” (P.254) This is an evolutionary idea, isn't it? There is an "idea" called "democracy," and there is a "system" that "realizes" that idea in the "future." "That's why I have to put up with it now and make an effort to realize the idea." It's like an idea theory, a teleology of history, and a development theory. We must "believe" that there is an ideal democracy in the future and work toward it.
"As executive powers are strengthened, political parties and parliaments are not able to fully check it, and it is also serious that the power of democracy is not fully reached." "This bottleneck is a powerful president. I can't live to repeat Weber's frustration in trying to break it down. ”Yes, I don't think the author offers any effective means or theory for democratizing executive power. "It is important to raise the issue of Rozan Vallon that democracy will not materialize unless this enforcement power is placed directly under democratic control" (P.256). Also,
"For distrust of representative democracy, it will be essential to renew the elections and political parties," he says, but I don't think there is any point in changing it. I think we have to ask for representative democracy itself.
"Amid the gloomy future predictions that AI has robbed humans of their jobs and made many useless people not succumb to digital tyranny," what is humans "should be re-questioned. Let's do it. (P.260) It's a beautiful word. But it's meaningless. Is there an answer to "what is a human being"? Humans will not be able to answer that. It's strange because we see AI as an absolute thing, as a result of human development. Rather, the question should be "what is AI" and "why is AI born?" I think it is necessary to change the viewpoint from "How" to "What", "Why".
"From the perspective of this book, which looks back on the history of humankind based on democracy, even if the mechanism of equalization stagnates or temporarily reverses, it will eventually separate equalization. The premise that we should break down various barriers and move forward should be the basis first. ”(Same as above) I don't understand the meaning of“ should ”. further,
"Many people, without realizing it, contribute to equality. Firearms and wars have also accelerated social change by breaking down the way society has been. (P.261) It seems as if individual awareness is not necessary and war is necessary. (^ _ ^;)
"SNS technology that allows more people to not only access information and data but also send it out by themselves literally" democratizes "people" (P.261). So, you said that the data presented is due to the mechanism of the algorithm, but are you totally affirming it? Do you trust or don't know AI? Thinking about modern society with the knowledge that is generally distributed means that you can understand anything on Wikipedia. Then you don't have to think about "Ancient Greece". I don't need this book either. I think Wikipedia will be in time. I have no intention of completely denying the possibility of SNS. In fact, I think that movements such as "Okupai Wall Street" have occurred on SNS. What is needed now is "raw voice" and "raw discussion" rather than SNS (not just SNS). I think that overcoming the new coronavirus problem and overcoming the other three crises is ultimately not about SNS, but about people-to-people contact.
“As the crisis prolongs, the effects of the stagnation of economic activity have become more serious.” (P.263) I rather, in the past year and a half, the economy has not collapsed, and stock prices have hit new highs. We note that the wealth of the very few people at the top is growing record-breaking. It didn't prove that much of our work was "Bullshit Jobs]". Is it?
"Isn't it our belief that is ultimately asked? In difficult times, humans are asked what they believe." (P.264) Mostly religion. (Lol)

After reading

The end is a way of ending that "believers are saved." The author puts fascism and socialism in line. I'm sorry for its frivolity. Isn't socialism more like the author's idea? "There is a good society in the future. Mankind is heading there. So let's make an effort now. We should make an effort **." It is a religion that preaches "paradise / heaven" or "afterlife." Isn't it the same?
The author takes a light look, but we are living "here and now". Whether you believe in a happy society 100 or 200 years from now, or in heaven or the afterlife, there is no "I" there.
If there is something to do , think about the existence of "I" in "now and here", not "How" but "What", "Why". think.


宇野重規(うの しげき)
一九六七年、東京都生まれ。東京大学法学部卒業。同大学大学院法学政治学研究科博士課程修了。博士(法学)。現在、東京大学社会科学研究所教授。専攻は政治思想史、政治哲学。主な著書に『政治哲学へ 現代フランスとの対話』(二〇〇四年渋沢・クローデル賞LVJ特別賞受賞)、『未来をはじめる 「人と一緒にいること」の政治学』(以上、東京大学出版会)、『トクヴィル 平等と不平等の理論家』(講談社学術文庫、二〇〇七年サントリー学芸賞受賞)、『保守主義とは何か 反フランス革命から現代日本まで』(中公新書)などがある。

トランプ大統領をはじめとする「ポピュリスト」の跋扈、旧社会主義諸国および中国など権威主義国家の台頭など、近年の世界の政治状況は、民主主義という制度の根幹を揺るがすかのような観を呈しています。日本の状況を見てみても、現行の政権が「民意」の正確な反映、すなわち「民主主義的な」政権だといわれると、頸をかしげる人も少なくないのではないでしょうか。はたして民主主義はもう時代遅れなのか? それとも、まだ活路はあるのか?

[1] 「欲望を先取り!」というCMがありました。先取りされた欲望となんなんでしょう。
[2] 「物質的欠乏をなくすため行動するにしても、より大きな課題があるそれは、満足の欠乏との闘いだ・・・われわれはみな、そのために苦しんでいる」(J.F.ケネディ、『これからの「正義」の話をしよう――いまを生き延びるための哲学 マイケル・サンデル著』からの引用)

民主主義とはなにか 宇野重規著 2020/10/20 講談社現代新書 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4065212950 ]

